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Buster Rancher

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Hello all,

I'm sure some of you here have encountered the card Buster Rancher before, it is an Equip-Spell card that seems to be very powerful. Reading it's effect, it would appear that this card increases the attack of a monster with 1000 ATK points or less by 2500, however, I'm not sure if that's all there is to it, as the effect of this card is very long and a bit confusing to me. I'm wondering exactly what this card does and why the effect isn't something more simple like; "Increase the attack of a monster with 1000 ATK or less by 2500". Why is the effect so complex?


Here is the best pic of the card I can find;



Cheers, Frunk.

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So say I have a monster with 1000 ATK equipped with Buster Rancher, when attacking directly, face down monsters or monsters with 2450 ATK or less in attack position or 2450 DEF or less in defense position, it has 1000 ATK, but when attacking monsters with 2500 ATK or DEF or more, in their respective battle modes, it has 3500.


If I am right, let me know and I can close this.

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yes that is correct.


say youre attacking Dark Ruler Ha Des. your Buster Rancher monster has 1000.

Say youre attacking Summoned Skull. your Buster Rancher monster has 3500.


say youre attacking Labyrinth Wall. your monster has 3500.

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