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Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm


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In a world where flying is as simple as riding a bicycle, there is a popular sport called "Flying Circus."


The protagonist once had a bright future ahead of him in that field of sports but due to an overwhelming defeat in addition to a certain other reason, he has left that field. However, he meets the transfer student Kurashina Asuka and regains his passion as he teaches her how to fly.


With his situation changed, he participates once again in the Flying Circus. Just how high will he be able to fly this time with Asuka at his side?


This is a love story about the two who met while soaring in the skies, and the friends surrounding them.

There's a purple girl flying with a skirt on? :o


Ah. It's CowCow's waifu! She's funny, she makes cat puns. Well, that's just the subs and from the sound of it just says nya, but is lazy and sure likes to eat like one, it seems. But geez, the uniform designers at that school are too damn ecchi, to not include some form of shorts.


The sense of wonder this kinda thing gives me is pretty high, you can fly without anything you wouldn't normally have on you. And seeing this as well as the synopsis makes me wonder why it isn't just a  sports anime as well, if it seems so important. Does it not come into play as much as it makes it sound, or does it have to be a real sport to qualify? Whatever the case, expectations were blown away just 'cuz yeah, it was presented fairly nice so far, and they didn't use that perfect excuse to actually have pantyshots, even if there is some service.

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