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Ben 10 alien forms from other continuities


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Since the omnitrix can store any alien DNA in it what if Ben unlocked/obtained DNA from aliens from other continuities? I actually have come up with some names Ben would come up with for some of the aliens, heres a few:


Chozo: Birdcules

Cybertronian: E-Racer (It's a race car)

Deoxys: Double Helix

Draenei: Spacegoat

Flora Colossus: Groot (C'mon, what else can you call it?)

Gem: Prasiolite (I didn't want to go with Emerald, too obvious, so I went with another green gem. Besides, prasiolite is a type of quartz, like Steven.)

Irken: Tek

Klingon: Fightmaster

Kryptonian: Superben

Mudokon: Shamystic

Protoss: Pylon (I figured Ben is internet savvy.)

Pyron's species: Solar Flare

Sontaran: Rankenfile

Silurian (O.K., technically they're not aliens but they are a non-human sapient race): Reptackle

Tamaranean: Burstfire

Time Lord: The Guardian

Twi'lek: Tentabrain

Wookie: Furbrawl

Xenomorph: Daggertail

Yautja: Overkill (Ben thought this would be a cool alien name. What better alien to be called Overkill than the Predator?)


That's all the ones I have for now but I might add more later. If you have a name for an alien race that I didn't mention leave it in a comment and maybe I'll add it to the list.



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Well, isn't THIS something?


Alright, here we go. Even though I'm not entirely familiar with Ben 10, I can name alien species from different series.


Aurum [Kid Icarus: Uprising] - A mechanical-looking, highly polygonal hive mind, that creates slightly stronger ripoffs of anything they encounter.


Zerg [starCraft] - An insectoid/reptilian race that is notoriously difficult to fully take down, due to having carapaces as dense as steel coupled with an insane healing factor. Plus, claws, acid, wings, more legs than you an shake a stick at, and lots of parasites.


Uryuom [El Goonish Shive] - Shapeshifters of the highest caliber, who can take advantage of pretty much any physical layout. The sub-species "Lespuko" can also mix and match traits from other forms they've taken on.


Gungans [star Wars] - Amphibious, impressive flexibility and agility. Capable of breathing underwater.


 . . . And that's off the top of my head.

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