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started from the bottom [SOTW #19]


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So I'll address the obvious issues with this one: it's uncomfortably saturated, the colors are a bit off, the light effects are distracting and out of place, and the text is awkward and unnecessary.


But on the upside, I got one vote for it. :3


I also seem to like my work in ways that other people don't, so I'm not sure what to do about that in terms of accepting advice, idk



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Quality suffered a bit here, looks like you saved as a jpg?


I really like the concept of her being enveloped in the dark parts, clashes a bit with the other lights, and to some extent, the bg, but expanding on that could be sick


I thought that at first, cause I remember the default being reset to jpg for some reason, but I was so used to exporting my images to png that I might have missed it.


But it was in fact a PNG, so there's two possibilities: either it was the saturation and blending, or it was a resizing issue, cause I've shrunk a picture and saved it too small and then blew it back up from that saved resolution. I dunno.

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