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Arcana Force: Discussion.

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treeborn in graveyard

locust just got saked for world's effect

you have no spell traps

end, get locust back

opponent skips turn, your turn draw get treeborn back, BOOM 2 saks for World's effect and if you play like heavy storm before you're opponent can't do squat and all you need to do is pay 1k every turn and you deal 3k+ every turn, pretty good deal to me, how bout' you

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treeborn in graveyard

locust just got saked for world's effect

you have no spell traps

end' date=' get locust back

opponent skips turn, your turn draw get treeborn back, BOOM 2 saks for World's effect and if you play like heavy storm before you're opponent can't do squat and all you need to do is pay 1k every turn and you deal 2k+ every turn, pretty good deal to me, how bout' you



You don't even pay the 1k.

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So it seems like people have finally caught on to the OTK I mentioned using Arcana Force The World.


Well duh'' date=' thats about the ONLY thing you can do with it.







1. Spam

2. The Arcana force monsters suck, they rely on luck to either get a decent or a crappy effect...

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So it seems like people have finally caught on to the OTK I mentioned using Arcana Force The World.


Well duh'' date=' thats about the ONLY thing you can do with it.







1. Spam

2. The Arcana force monsters suck, they rely on luck to either get a decent or a crappy effect...


1. Oh no! I spammed! Plz don't report me to the internet police plz don't!

2. Arcana Force monsters have enough support cards to make the luck aspect almost non-existant. Relying on luck doesn't make a card bad (well the Arcana Force monsters in this instance, cards like Gamble etc. that's another story).

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arcana force cards may have broken eefects' date='but the fact that they're luck-based counter-balance them.after all,the arcana force represent the 'invicible' power of destiny that overwhelms all of creation.



-1 Anime

+1 Sixth Sense


People who haven't read all the cards need to GTFO this topic and do so.


Not Crab or Sceptile, specifically Lord Wyhe.


There are enough support cards and such that an Arcana Force deck could easily reach meta standards quickly, provided it doesn't get banned before it even hits TCG. =/

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Um. No.


The World > The Fool


He can't go to defense' date=' you still take battle damage. Unless you negated the attack, in which case you wouldn't need The Fool in the first place.



He can't be SWITCHED to Defense Position, but he can still be Set or Special Summoned in Defense Position.

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Oh' date=' really?


Ehh. That could get troublesome, since he isn't effect by anything ever.



He doesn't flip a coin if he's flipped face up by an attack, so only if you Special Summon him in Defense Position and get tails does he become unaffected by the opponent's effects that target. Then your opponent needs to resort to non-targeting effects.

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Oh' date=' really?


Ehh. That could get troublesome, since he isn't effect by anything ever.



Only when Normal Summoned (In which case he can't switch to def mode anymore), or when Special Summoned in def mode (But you still need to toss right).


Counters that are played in the meta:


-Darklord Zerato


But yeah, it could get troublesome.

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