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Why can't American music videos be like this?


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If you looked for it, there are easily videos like this in the Western music industry. Bubblegum pop thrives off videos like this. Obviously, huge groups are a Korean and Japanese phenomenon, but the idea is the same. So the question you've presented is a little bit moot.


Besides, the best pop music videos recently have coincidentally been the dark and political ones. Definitely not judging if all you're looking for is light entertainment, but the medium of a music video is capable of far more and that's to be encouraged.



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Your video's still didn't have enough color.  And, our mainstream is pretty much like what you posted.  I don't like our mainstream media, too depressing...

Well, yeah, that's kinda the point. If 'depressing' = statement on race and police brutality in modern America, sure, then it's depressing. Alright is easily the best music video of last year. The song itself is not depressing at all. If anything, easily the most upbeat, and least panderingly so, song of the year too.


To balance my previous point, here's some light Western music, and a Japanese video with clearly sexual undertones.




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Hey, I've actually seen both of those before.  But why do colorful American music videos have to look old 80s or something... not to mention, that video you posted still seems dark (color wise).  I'm not saying American music videos don't have color (though a lot of them depend on black and white), what I'm saying is the overall color value is dark, where as Jpop (and Kpop) music has a bright color value, making seem more alive.


Some other things that amaze me about Jpop is how expensive they can look, especially with the boybands or girlbands where they have a bunch of people dancing.  Some Jpop music videos are so amazing, it's almost like they were the baby of some awesome movie and disney.

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I'm not usually one to watch music videos, especially those that are just a load of twerking girls. It's just not my thing. Music videos are often just done because it's the done thing and little effort is put into them. They should really be used to actually add something to the music, not distract from it and not just for the sake of it.


I'm also not a fan of the heavily manufactured and choreographed stuff that comes out of Japan, it just doesn't feel genuine and I get nothing out of it.


That Kendrick Lamar video is an example of a music video done really well. It adds another element to an already great song. Not that a music video has to be dark and meaningful to be good. Humour and fun work, too, like in this video, which is awesome:


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My point was, why can't our stuff be as vibrant, colorful, and happy feeling.  Not all of it has to change, but throw some of us happy-go-lucky people a bone or three.  The second video posted by Rai, even with the subliminal messaging, it still has bright colors and gives it an overall, weird, but happy feeling.  I'm just tired of the dark and unformishness of American music videos and clothing.  I'm tired of the same old, same oldness of American stuff.  Jpop and Kpop tends to be bright and different from video to video and unabashed to break the mold.  I wish American music videos would do it too more often.

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My blames are on the record companies. On the US market, sex and depression, (occasionally) self-empowerment (and for some reasons, Taylor Swift's I-hate-my-exes-ishnes) have the biggest sells, hence the bleak, uniformed theme in US's music and MVs.


But it's not like colorful happy videos don't exist anymore, that Pentatonix video for example.

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Why can't American music be this happy and colorful... we be all dark and depressing... or all about sex... even if Jpop was about the same stuff, at least they look so damned happy, who looks happy to go to school?


You just got to look in the right places. You also have to take into consideration the cultural differences too



This for instance, to say we focus on sex a lot is rather judmental statement, any trip to the rock catalog here and you can definately see a difference.  

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