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[mtg] Standard Murican Dragons


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A very rough first draft.


Why Jeskai over esper?

The format is looking like it favors aggro strategies, and with rhino and friends gone, d roar becomes much more playable. Thing in the ice underperformed in this deck. That card demands a more proactive strategy, and even then I'm not sold on it. 9/10 times it just eats a kill spell before it flips.


I'm testing jar of eyeballs. It probably won't make the cut. Epiphany at the drownyard would be the replacement for it.


4 ojutai

4 jace vp

3 icefall regent

2 reflector Mage



4 silumgar's scorn

3 clash of wills

2 horribly arwy

1 dispel

4 draconic roar

3 oujitais command


4 jar of eyeballs

1 silkwrap


4 prairie stream

4 port town

4 Shivan reef

1 battlefield forge

2 wandering fumarole

4 islands

2 plains

2 mountains

1 haven of the spirit dragon


3 radiant flames

2 negate

2 planar outburst

2 surge of righteousness

1 sphinx of da final word

1 avacyns judgement

2 stasis snare

1 big jace jace

1 quarantine field

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So after some initial testing against Gx ramp and RB vamps I've concluded that brain in a jar is a card with tons of potential, but I don't think this is the deck for it. The creature density is too high. I can certainly see it being a cornerstone of hard control decks in the future of standard though.


This deck has a lot of game against ramp. Getting your lands exiled by world breaker is annoying but they have no way to combat your counterspells and ojitai is a very fast clock when you don't have to worry about removal.


Vamps is pretty easy to deal with. You can pick off their threats with d roars and fiery impulses before they can grow out of burn range. They have a hard time picking off 4+ toughness dudes too. Plus you have tons of sweepers and avacyns judgement to keep them off tempo.


-4 brain in a jar

+3 epiphany at the drownyard

+1 fiery impulse


This deck seems fine right now in a fresh meta. It's geared towards beating aggro, but as the meta develops I think grixis control is where you want to be.

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