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It's a new Macross, dunno what else there is to say.


Somehow I got to watching this. First episode came out, and I think it's a lot better than the early broadcast edition. They cut out some scenes and added more scenes near the end. In regards to characterizing the main guy, he really benefits from this. He was sorta overly unmotivated and maybe 'emo' in the early broadcast version but here we're shown just enough to know what sort of person he currently is without taking too long to do so. Him piloting the robot at the end of the episode was a much needed scene too. The 'dancing' was actually pretty exciting to see. He feels a lot more like an actual main character this time round, I guess?


It also felt like they showed a bit less of the idols controlling the weird floatin shields, which I definitely can live with. But I'm glad they kept that stupid Walkure hand gesture in. God I love that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ep 3 is out. Honestly it was kinda weak compared to the previous two. The more SoL-ish scenes were alright but not amazing. There seems to be little romantic development between the main triangle so far, assuming the Freyja scenes even count as romantic. The dogfight wasn't that exciting either, and Freyja's song this ep was eh. Seeing the VF model from the first SDF Macross sure was nice though.


Wonder who that shota jailbait at the end is?

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