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Godzilla Resurgence!

Face McShooty

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i want this. I want this right now. 




This looks strangely similar to burning godzilla but those teeth are freaking terrifying and the body seems strangely deformed. i love it. but it does raise the question of what is his origin/ purpose in this movie? Is he a reawakened godzilla after the events of final wars? Or is this the start of a new timeline for godzilla? my bet's on new timeline, but if that's the case, is this another original/ 1985 solo movie, or will he have somebody to fight in this one? 


[spoiler=EDIT: small spoiler] Apparently, He's regenerating/transforming from this form (base form?), and his true form hasn't been revealed yet. apparently he's going to transform into something larger and stronger than his current form. godzilla is possibly evolving into a new form that (apparently) more closely resembles his original design ok, after checking again, that was apparently shot down by the director very shortly after it was posted, but he still looks like he's been through hell by something. and interesting take on this was somebody thought this was the original godzilla, slowly regenerating from the damage of oxygen destroyer. i like that theory a lot, since it would explain the uneven skin, the jarring appearance, the tiny arms, and the open wounds.  


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