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[MtG] Vetheim Pivotal Story Moments


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The Kamigawan native Ayari has just ignited her spark, and has found herself on the foreign plane of Vetheim. Before she is even given the time to react, she quickly finds herself locked in combat with a minor demon, a thrall of the greater demon Surtr.


The mute goddess, Nersif, who governs over life and Yggdrasil itself, is saved from the demon Surtr, by the planeswalker Ayari. However, in her weakened state, and due to the circumstances amongst the gods, Nersif chooses to sacrifice herself and bless Ayari with the last of her life essence.


Liliana, in her pursuit of her next demon master, has found the seeress Míma, who she believes has knowledge of the demon she is looking for, Razaketh. In a moment of delirium, amid whispers from the mysterious Raven Man, Liliana gives the seeress an ultimatum: to tell her what she knows, or face death itself.


The Vetheim planeswalker Sigmund, has received an unexpected message from the god Mjolim, despite the gods supposedly being dead. Mjolim speaks of how the gods have been scattered, forced into hiding, as they are being slaughtered by an unknown force. He instructs Sigmund to discover the truth, and to save the gods.


Sigmund, and the mender Astrid, have pilgrimaged to the Tree of Life, Yggdrasil to find the truth behind the chaos on Vetheim. There, visions come to them of an oncoming darkness, and potentially the end of their world itself.
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Nersif's Testament lets you turn anything into half a Progenitus? I might be fine with naming an opponent and giving it protection from said opponent, but all opponents is pushing it a bit. Also, there's amusement in enchanting an opponent's creature with this as they can use it to kick the other players' ass while leaving the creature entirely at your mercy.


Mjolim's Message is going to easily become a Modern staple, being a cantrip on par with the likes of Serum Visions, Ponder, and Preordain.


Revelation at Yggdrasil doesn't pinpoint where the lands are being shuffled in from, unless by "own" you're trying to say "control".

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Nersif's Testament turns things into a True-Name Nemesis. Which is pretty gross, but I think mostly fine. I think 'all opponents' is fairly minor. With more opponents, more chance of enchantment hate. Which is probably the only reason why True-Name Nemesis is degenerate, and this a little bit more okay.


Mjolim's Message is a functional reprint of Opt (which isn't actually in the Modern cardpool). I agree that it would see pretty big play in Modern, but would be a safe reprint.


"he or she owns" only ever refers to permanents on the battlefield. So you shuffle all lands on the battlefield in any player's control that you own back into your own library. It's a valid wording used on various cards like Warp World and Brooding Saurian and such.

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