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Summer Dreams Session


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As summer comes into full swing, for many of us there is a lot more time to be staying inside and on our computers rather than enjoying the sun! That means roleplaying, of course, because what else would you do?


I'm going to develop one of the following concepts into a Session Roleplay where I will only accept three other roleplayers for some close-knit bonding over Google Docs. At a designated times when everyone is available, we will come together and do some collaborative writing/roleplaying. There will also be times where solo posts will also be necessary.


If you are interested, please note at what times you are typically available below (convert all times to EST for convenience) and which concepts you would be interested in. Please also discuss your tastes in things like romance, slice of life, action, etc. so I can get a better idea of what you seek. The more you write here, the better.


[spoiler=Ideas Pool]All these ideas are open to development. Speak up about what you want to see from them. Even better, tell me what changes to make to them.


Royal Doppelganger

#fantasy #political #war

You wake up in an unfamiliar bed and find servants attending to you and calling you, "Your Majesty"! The mirror reveals minor changes, perhaps you have different birthmarks, a different build or different hair/eye colors, or perhaps even your physical age is different, but the face is definitely yours. It turns out you're now one of the royal family of Draszera, the Dragon Kingdom, and your mother, the Queen Regnant, has recently died of a curse. Tensions rise as the nobility squabble to figure out who was responsible and decide the line of succession. What's more, the nearby Holy Empire of Azlatan has decided to take advantage of the civil strife to invade!




Whatever the reason, you find yourself removed from your home world and in a new one. This can take many directions—action, adventure, survival, slice of life, and more. There are also so many flavors for the world to take—dark fantasy, steampunk, space opera, etc. So what are you interested in?


Ghoul Alpha

#psychological #horror #action

In the near future, a horrific epidemic is spreading through the world which there is no cure. People say it slowly drives the victims insane. The disease patients have to be taken to special hospitals where they are confined and kept under strict watch. Secret experiments are performed on them and many of them are euthanized. You are one of the afflicted who was discovered early by the newly implemented disease prevention systems and taken to the newly renovated and highest security hospital—Alcatraz. Every day, you slowly feel your mind slip away, until he showed up. He called himself Hannibal, the Alpha, and he told you the truth. You have been transformed into an apex predator, a ghoul. The only way for you to survive longer than a month is to eat other people and you have been blessed with supernatural powers to aid in the hunt. All of the sudden, you realize all the prison staff have been slaughtered and the doors are unlocked. This RP is inspired by Tokyo Ghoul, but the exact details of the powers and etc. will be different.


World's End Citadel

#fantasy #action #slice of life

Located at the Kingdom’s northernmost point is an ancient fortress called Skadi’s Watch, colloquially known as the World’s End Citadel. A massive structure originating from the Age of Miracles, it is the size of a city, but ninety percent of it is abandoned and in ruins. The soldiers stationed here have the thankless task of guarding the Kingdom from myriad monsters that spawn in the far north. No military achievements can be earned here, thus it is used to relocate those the military perceives as threats or too troublesome to deal with. Imagine Skyrim and sheet or the Wall from Game of Thrones.


Beautiful Life

#slice of life #fantasy

This is just a placeholder like ISEKAI. Basically, how interested would you be in some sort of relaxing slice of life in a beautiful and magical setting? You would deal with the mysterious occurrences that pop in your daily life. Imagine stuff like Aria the Animation.



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Thought I'd check YCM one last time before bed. Good thing I did. I'm interested if you can keep any of them going. XD


Unfortunately, because of my job, my availability is scattered but I try and get on at least once every couple days, generally nights in EST. I can't list specific days though, sorry.

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