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Let's Make a Soundtrack!


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I just had this idea, and I like it a lot.


Essentially, the first person to post in a new series describes the type of series we'll be making, and posts the opening theme. We each link a YouTube video, and describe its place in the story we're creating. Once there are 7 or more songs in the series, anyone can put up an "ending theme" and close out the series we're making, leaving it up to the next poster to start a new series.


Try to avoid the OP and ED of existing anime when you add an opening or ending, for obvious reasons.


I'll start our first one:


A psychological thriller along the lines of a classic horror movie, spread over an entire single-season series. A group of friends out camping is pursued by a relentless, intelligent monster at night, and even during the day their tired minds leave them confused and hallucinating, unable to find their way home, or even back to the campsite with their food . . .




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