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Glasstin10's First Competition has been completed.

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So when will results be told not to think im gonna win cough...cough just joking.


Don't be so down... :/

Everyone has a fair chance at winning this competition.

As this copetition ends precisely at 8:00 pm tonight' date=' I will be judging from 8:00 - 8:30, which means that the winners will be announced at 8:45 pm.

Thanks everyone, for your cooperation.



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The Combination Samurai Of The Wind


Warrior / Combination


This monster can attack once more for every card in your hand.At the End Phase of each turn this card attacks, discard 2 cards from the top of your Deck.Once per turn by removing a monster from your side of the field to the Graveyard, destroy one monster on your opponent's side of the field.If you discard all cards in your hand you can destroy cards on the field equal to the amount of cards discarded by this effect.All monsters the card destroys are sent to the bottom of the respectful owner's Deck.This card cannot be destroyed while a WIND monster is on the field.If you control a WIND and a EARTH monster,tribute this card to Special Summon "Ground Flyer Masabi".If "Grounded" is face-up on the field,this card's Attribute is treated as EARTH and you can switch this monster's battle position.You can Tribute this monster to Special Summon "The Combination Samurai of the EARTH".This card cannot be Tributed as long as you control another WIND monster in face-up ATK position.You cannot switch the battle position of a monster except by a card effect.



ATK/1400 DEF/1800




-2008 Uchiha Remix

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The Combination Samurai Of The Wind


Warrior / Combination


This monster can attack once more for every card in your hand.At the End Phase of each turn this card attacks' date=' discard 2 cards from the top of your Deck.Once per turn by removing a monster from your side of the field to the Graveyard, destroy one monster on your opponent's side of the field.If you discard all cards in your hand you can destroy cards on the field equal to the amount of cards discarded by this effect.All monsters the card destroys are sent to the bottom of the respectful owner's Deck.This card cannot be destroyed while a WIND monster is on the field.If you control a WIND and a EARTH monster,tribute this card to Special Summon "Ground Flyer Masabi".If "Grounded" is face-up on the field,this card's Attribute is treated as EARTH and you can switch this monster's battle position.You can Tribute this monster to Special Summon "The Combination Samurai of the EARTH".This card cannot be Tributed as long as you control another WIND monster in face-up ATK position.You cannot switch the battle position of a monster except by a card effect.



ATK/1400 DEF/1800




-2008 Uchiha Remix



Please read the first post of this thread carefully. :)

(Psst... Post a trap card...)


This competition is ending in 15 minutes. I am still accepting reservations, as long as you post your trap card before 8:00 tonight. If you still do not see your name on the first post of this thread, please don't panic, I am currently adding it.




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Sorry glasstin10 i dont have enough time




Select 1 monster on your side of the field.Increase its ATK by 100 for every monster on your opponent's side of the field.The selected monster can attack directly this turn.Any effect that targets this card during the Battle Phase is negated.You must pay Life Points equal to your monsters original ATK next turn.The selected monster cannot attack again after the End Phase of the turn this card was activated.All monsters on the field are destroyed except the selected monster.The selected monster cannot change it's battle position except by a card effect.Your opponent's Battle Phase is negated next turn.You opponent cannot enter their Main Phase 1.

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There are really goos cards here.... if im lucky i will get 5fth place -_-


(72 card awsome, Uchiha in flames 0o.., Skuldur is very good!, Enigma Zero good!,Bloodrun OMG!, and many other awsome cards..)


Well, i guess, that, this contest is epic win, in a day 29 entries..

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There are really goos cards here.... if im lucky i will get 5fth place -_-


(72 card awsome' date=' Uchiha in flames 0o.., Skuldur is very good!, Enigma Zero good!,Bloodrun OMG!, and many other awsome cards..)


Well, i guess, that, this contest is epic win, in a day 29 entries..



lol thanks youz ^_^

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Instinctmeister, I'm afraid that it will have to be unfair to the other contestants if I let you slide this time. Your card, is amazing, and I'll pay you the 5 points, but I'm afraid that I will have to reject your entry.

Also, as a note to the public, I'm sorry to say that I am still in the process of judging, and it will be postponed until 9:45 pm. I am very sorry for the inconvenience.



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Everyone, I thank you for entering my competition. Each entry really surprised me, because I saw all the effort that each one of you put into your card. Well, here are the results.






Kid :


What a nice, unique effect. The first sentence could have been reworded, in my point of view, and avoid saying the word "but" when making an effect for a yugioh card. You have a nice image, and overall, you did a great job.






Spirit of D.M.G :


A nice, simple card. I feel though, the picture is a little bit stretched, and as a tip, try and avoid artwork that has the artist's signature on it. Also, I do believe that the letter "I" in the word "Instead" does not have to be capitalized.

Overall, good job!






Anime911 :


Another nice, simple card. I believe that the first sentence should start out with, "This card can only be activated when your opponent declares an attack." The image has a nice quality, and overall, you did a pretty good job.






Darkjagwar :


Wow, a deadly effect. I also believe that your first sentence should start out with, "This card can only be activated when your opponent declares an attack." Your image, is a little "too realistic" but still fits the description of your card. Great effort!






Dimension Lord :


I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but once your "Life Points" (Life Points have to be capitalized...) hit the number 0, it's the end of the game, so you can't do anything. You had a great image though, to help aid with the overall outlook of your card, so overall, good job!






Mazumo :


I can see the idea you're trying to get at through this effect, but I think it would be wise to cut down on some of the words you're using here. You have an excellent idea to this card, and an excellent image, so keep up the good work.






Zeratuel :


Not a bad effort here! Your image is a little plain, and could have a more suitable background, but your effect is pretty good! It's slightly overpowered, and has a few punctuation errors, but you made a good effort with this card! Keep up the good work!






Card King 08 :


The picture quality could improve, but overall, excellent idea! Your effect is a tiny bit overpowered, but your effort on this card, is again, excellent. Keep up the good work.






Bloodrun :


Whoa. Awesome job with this one Bloodrun. Again, I reference what I had stated in the first post, saying that ~ I believe that the first sentence should start out with, "This card can only be activated..."

Other than this, excellent job! Keep up the great work!






Nelsn3 :



Excellent image! It really fits in with the name of this card, and the whole outlook of this card as well! Your effect has a few punctuation errors, but it's not too bad! Keep up the good work!






Frlf :


Awesome image, and great effect! I believe you need a space between the words, " at " and " least ", and a few of the sentences coul be reworded. Overall, awesome effort.






Doomer46 :


Not a bad effort! But, always try and avoid adding a blank picture to a yugioh card, so it won't look plain or bland. Your effect could be reworded, and has a few errors, but it's still pretty cool! I really like the idea behind this card!






BlueFlame :


I think it should be, "... when no monsters on your side of the field exist...", and this effect is a tiny bit overpowered. Oherwise, the picture and the name, and the overall outlook of this card is very unique, so keep up the great work!






Schyshter :


This is a great card! The image is excelletn, and some the effect's idea is pretty good too! Still, some parts of the effect could be reworded, but otherwise, great job!






Paintman :


Not a bad effort here! The image could improve a little bit, and the effect could be a little bit more unique, but you did a pretty good job! Keep up the good work!






Lord Wyhe :


Try and stay away from borders for your images, and watch some of your capitalization errors that are located in your effect. For effort, excellent job.






Kakashi4eva :


This simple card is about perfect. I still believe, though, that there is a more formal way to word these two sentences. Otherwise, excellent work.






72night :


Wow. Awesome picture! When doing a coin toss, though, be sure to say that, " If the result is heads...", and I have one small question. What if your opponent does not have any machine type monsters? Otherwise, incredible. Well done.






Enigma Zero :


Good job with this card! I think that the picture quality could improve just a little bit, and that the effect could be slightly more unique, but again, great job! Keep up the good work!






Skuldur :


I like the image you used for this card! All you need to work on, is the uniqueness of the effect, and your capitalization and punctuation. Once you correct these mistakes, your cards will be about perfect! So, keep up the good work!






Deswombat4ever :


The picture could have a better quality and background, and the effect could be a little less plain. Overall, you did a great job though! I really liked the idea behind this entire card! Again, keep up the great work!






Ultimateryan :


Not bad! This card is a little plain, and you have a punctuation error, but you made a great effort! Keep up the good work!






Uchiha in Flames :


This is a pretty good card! Don't forget to space after a period though!






ChronosCrowler :


I believe it should state, " Discard 1 card from your hand. Your opponent is forced...". Your effect is a little plain, but great image though!






Jjmandog :


I believe this card should be a little more formal. Great effort though!



It's finished.

I apologize for the reviews getting a bit shorter after each card... I became a bit tired after the second card. :P

Anyway, again, I thank everyone for joining this contest!

Here are the final standings :


1st Place : Bloodrun

2nd Place : 72night

3rd Place : Kid

4th Place : Kakashi4eva

5th Place : Frlf


Okay, that's that!

Prizes will be delivered to the winners within the next 24 hours!

Be sure to look out for Glasstin's second competition, coming soon!



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