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Another YCM Wiki??

The Slime Lord

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Back when we were making the first Wiki, I applied for a Wikia that was to be the Wiki. However, YCM finished his version before it was accepted, so we had an extra Wiki.


EDIT: Wait, that's not it. Who made that one?

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Who made that one?


Imma answer this question right know.


My friend made that he was dj (Something Something) He wasnt validated though. But he still followed the fourm around so he decided to make a wiki about it.He had a thread on all members from december bak.He abbondened it then.An sciences its a wiki i guess people kept on adding to it and it became theat wiki. He never gave me a link until when he said he would stop.This may be it.


EDIT: Ok I found the old link and it isnt that the one i have just brinks you to a page that says HTTP Deleted

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