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Anime Quotes


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If so, here are a few good ones, feel free to delete them good sir if need be

"I'm not relying on Luck...Duels are a shot at endless possibility, a moment-by-moment big bang. I am the King! The duelist who's resented, hated , and envied by every turbo duelist! As long as I keep riding! The Duel will keep accelerating!...This, is the possibility of the KING!" ~Jack Atlas from 5ds Manga. South Corridor Sprint

"All Duelists aim for the top. It's like trying to climb a mountain nobody's ever climbed before, all alone. Solitary Climbers...you may be right about that. But, without fail our footsteps make way for our rivals, we aren't lonely. Yes, the goal is noble and isolated, that's what makes us want to reach it. Just like every single Turbo Duelist, me included, made you our goal." ~Yusei talking to Jack During the end of their duel in 5ds Manga Special Side Story Part 2


Edited by Phantasm12778
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