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Dealing With Addictions

yugiohmasta 444

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Addictions can be very difficult to deal with. It is good to have many activities you are interested in, as to not devote too much time to one. If you are having trouble finding an alternate activity, running, playing tennis or even finding a nice, quiet place to read a book are all fantastic options. Just remember, addictions can be deadly. Be sure to contact your local psychiatrist if you feel you are having trouble controlling your addictions. Overall the most important thing is to be safe and have fun!

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I find this incredibly funny... *que Bunny of Magic's twisted imagination*


(Scene opens in a secluded alley, next to a tarnished, green dumpster. John is propped up against the dumpster, smoking. Jake walks up to him.)

JOHN: Yo, what's up?

JAKE: Not much. What's that?

JOHN: Weed, I'm addicted.

JAKE: Sorry to hear that.

JOHN: I figure there's no way out of it, so I'll just enjoy the stuff until I die.

JAKE: You know, if you played tennis or read a book, then you wouldn't be addicted anymore!

JOHN: Wow, I'll try that.


(Scene clears. 10 years later John walks up to Jake in a business meeting)

JOHN: You know, you were right. I started reading "War and Peace" and stopped smoking weed!

JAKE: That's amazing! Good job...



yeah. reading a book and playing tennis are great fun, but they don't clear an addiction... it takes something more than that

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