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Do you wanna be a YCM legend?

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I would like to join. are pre-made cards allowed?


And there is no such thing that allows you to take us out of competiting. there is no limit to the number of contestants as the ycm contest rules say:



Rule 12 - Credit to Bhim for this Rule!


You CANNOT only allot for a certain number of entrants [i.e. "Only five people can enter]. You're holding a competition. This means YOU'RE grading everything. It's your problem your contest is so popular that twenty people enter with twenty cards each.


My opinion on this rule is agreement with Bhim' date=' but i will be more liniant and let it off, as long as conflict does not arise.[/quote']


OK? Everybody needs to have the chance to be in it, and i want to have a skill test :P

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well I will be doing this by page so page 1 -

Proto - 6.4/10

Cardcapter - 7.3/10

rav43 - 4/10

warmaker - 6.1/10

carnage - 6.6/10

BH15 - 4.7/10

poke123 - 6.5/10

griffinsusername - 8.7/10

stardust - 7.2/10

tuffguy - 6.8/10


so far standings are


1 - griffin

2 - cardcapter

3 - stardust

4 - tuffguy

5 - carnage

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EFFECT:You must tribute at least 2 monsters to Summon this card. The original ATK of this card becomes equal to half of the original ATK of the monsters you tributed to Summon this card. Once per turn during your Main Phase, you may tribute one monster on your side of the field to activate one of the following effects depending on the ATK of the tributed card: 500 ATK or less-destroy this card. 1500 ATK or less-gain Life Points equal to the original ATK of the tributed card. 2500 ATK or less-Draw 2 cards and if there is a monsters with an ATK of 1500 or less in your hand, Special Summon it.


Man, this card cannot get 9.4 it has 3 capitalization errors and 1 ocg error. plus, where it says about the tributed monster, it shouldn't write ATK and draw shouldn't be capitalized. plus, it is mistaken. he says 2500 or less. that is something that it called major overpowering.


i would give this 8.5 at most

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