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Best Town/City In Austrailia.


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Accept Sydney = better. It was the first one' date=' it's larger... And better! Lol.



Do you live in Sydney?


If you do not... i suggest you listen to these 5 facts...


1. Sydney has never been a capital city in Aus... EVER! Melbourne has... so suck that XD

2. Sydney may be bigger now, but by 2030, Melbourne is to surpass Sydenys population

3. Melbourne has a stable Freeway system. Sydney's freeway system is not updated for its time and takes like 3 hours to drive 20kms (yes, ive been to Sydney)

4. Sydney Harbour Bridge? Na... West Gate Bridge is the third longest bridge in Australia

5. Melbourne = Sport Capital... we have Formula 1's, AFL, Australian Open, We've had The Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games.


You just got owned

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