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ENDED!! -- Worst OCG Contest

Evil Hero Ant

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Yes. Heres another crazy contest by the one and only.. Elemental Hero Anthony.. Lol

This time..

YOUR TASK is to create.. an (WHICH MEANS ONE!!!) EFFECT MONSTER card with TERRIBLE OCG in it. Lol!

You cannot create a BAD OCG version of an existing card (Like Dark Magician and then change it to Dork Magician or something like that -- you can't do that! -- you should be using effect monsters anyway :P)


A Bad Image INCREASES your BAD OCG-NESS [[which isa good thing for this contest]]


This contest is perfect for the New Members! But still.. older members can still JOIN!


The contest ends on the 20th June! Thats just over a week!!



1. Your card MUST HAVE BAD OCG

2. Your card cannot have any bad language in it.

3. Your image for the card has to be appropriate.

4. Your card must be posted in by 20th June.. or you will be ignored.

5. You cannot post any attachments/links whatever!! On the 20th June, if there are any attachments/links, they will be ignored


The Prizes

1st place - 100 points + 2 reps

2nd place - 10 points + 1 rep

3rd place - 1 rep


So.. what are you waiting for?

Go and create that CARD!!

(Key words: Effect Monster, Bad OCG, Create your card now!!)

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Here is my card. Be warned, it has a small effect text:



Effect: ucansumminroflcopter whenever u wants cuase he is soooooooo uber ness better thannblueeyes whitedragon roflcopterownsdalllolololololololololo,..,,..,,..,..,...,wenthiscardatax you can., fire a .,wtf bomfrum itsroflbay.,,..,,ifthisc ards isattaxd u fireits lolinggunand rofl the ennimy.,.,,..,., ifthiscard is aftected byamagxcardoretrap u sendinfinitymillion lolwarriors topwnallurpwnnentsmonsters thenhewillcrianduwillgo"lolollololololmyroflcoptergoes soisoisosisoisosisosisoiso"

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