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Blade master set.


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Yes but I forage what I can from google image. It took me FOREVER (Like 25 minutes or so) to find engulfed blade master pic...


It is illegal to just put 'credit goes to google'. You must add a link and an artist. If there is no artist named, put 'Anymonous' as the artist.


Last Warning. Next offense is a neg, and after that report. Sorry, no offense to you.


Anyway, to rate the card: The pics could be better (I would of used Photobucket or Deviantart.)


The effects are decent.



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This update goes for all of Custom Cards.


Credits are now volutary. All that is required is a Disclaimer of some sort' date=' and your thread will now be deemed fine. If you do own the image, please state so, so we know if anyone hasnt added a disclaimer, they should be told to add one.


The only advantage to having credits, is that if a member of whos artwork you have used, comes on to the site to question you about it, you can safely say you credited them. And all should be well, as afterall, most artists just want credit.



If the artist looks at these cards and wants something else, I'd be happy to give it to them or take the image off this page. However, It does not say I must give a link and artist. It says I must give a disclaimer, which is me stating that the images are from google images.

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