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battery OTK

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Note before you read this I built this fast and I know a few cards that shouldnt be in there, like batteryman D for example.


Monsters (20):

Batteryman AA (x3)

batteryman Charger (x2)

batteryman D (x3)

Batteryman Industrial Strength

batteryman Micro-Cell (x3)

Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

GoO (x2)

Maurding Captain

Morphing Jar

The Creator (x3)


Spells (16):

battery charger (x3)

brain control

Inferno reckless summon (x3)

monster reborn


Premature Burial

short circuit (x3)

Trade - In (x3)


traps (5):

Limit Reverse (x2)

Negate Attack

Royal Decree (x2)


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