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Okay, first of all, I will admit to using an abstract background at the base of the signature, but that mainly got covered up so it ended up being more for the coloring than anything in the end.





I still feel like I'm missing something from this I just can't put my finger on it, the only real thing I guess I hate about it is the text, but aside from that I quite like the result.





Okay well, decided to add a few things, and I actually like this one a bit better, my perfectionist side always finds my work horrible, oh well.





This is just a slight color change of the second version to sort of match the color change I did with the avatar.





And now some avatars...not much I can really say about those, lol.

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Guest JoshIcy

Phenomenal as always. Not sure its quite Jspamax but it captures what he is in a nutshell lol ^_^. And still why I consider you one of the Deities of GFX here.....

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Oooooooo! Nurse Joy! I've been working on Pokevolution lately and to be honest with all of you *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUNNNNNN!* I'm starting to really go off of the Dark Magician Girl! Out of the whole Pokemon Anime Nurse Joy has always captured my heart so I thank you for this Sig Haruno!

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Oooooooo! Nurse Joy! I've been working on Pokevolution lately and to be honest with all of you *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUNNNNNN!* I'm starting to really go off of the Dark Magician Girl! Out of the whole Pokemon Anime Nurse Joy has always captured my heart so I thank you for this Sig Haruno!

Oh well,guess everyone feels like changing sometimes...but I will be forever loyal to my leige,Raviel.

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