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My Sprites


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I made a thread like this already, but I'm having it locked. Anyways, I spliced a bunch of Pokemon and they weren't all that great for 3 reasons.


1. I was saving all my images with the .jpg extension. I didn't even realize it until after I made a bunch of them. The quality seemed ok to me. I just wasn't looking closely enough.


2. I didn't know how to clear the backgrounds, so all my splices had a black background.


3. I was new to splicing.


Well, I've fixed the first two problems, but I'm still new at splicing. I'll get better, but for now, you'll just have to deal with me. :P lol


So here's a few of my splices so far. Also, I have images that aren't splices, but I still had to edit the pictures. I also did some re-colorings (which I know aren't hard to do and pretty much anyone can do it). Though, I'd still like ratings. I'll release more as I make them. All comments are appreciated. :)


Random images, re-colorings, then splices.








I don't have many splices yet. I mainly just worked on the recolor ones once I figured out how to get rid of the background. I'll make more soon.


Don't care too much for: Groudon, Rayquaza, Blastoise/Police/Arcanine (looks better with black background), Slowking's Bro (Slowbro+Slowking), Infermeape (Infernape+Primeape)


Like: Steeligatr (#1), Vulpix, Rapidash, Tyranitar, Muk, Deoxtwo


Sprites from PE2000

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Deoxys + Mewtwo = Cool.

You've made some I've never seen attempts for; except, the wing addition to a fire pokemon has gotten kind of repetitive, causing me to dislike rapidash. =/.


Not bad; but certain things like, uhh, Rayquaza's recolouring, is something that could of used more fine tuning; as well, the pinkish colour you choose makes Rayquaza look prissy.

Also, did you use the same colour for tyranitar? O.o.

Anyway.. Not bad. =].



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Marshmallon king, thanks. :)


2sick4u, thank you...yeah, I know. I only did it because I really like Rapidash, and it wanted it to be able to fly. But yeah, adding wings to a Pokemon is one of the easiest things you can do...I just messed up on Rayquaza. It was supposed to have a few more shades of pink, but I messed up the colors and all and I wound out coloring it with just like 2 colors, so it sucked. That's why it's on my least favorite list...And before you pointed out the Tyranitar-Rayquaza thing, I hadn't noticed. Well, the're not exactly the same (I don't think or that would be really weird O.o) but yeah, they are close. I still prefer the Tyranitar over Rayquaza. I actually like Tyranitar that color.


BTW, when Marshmallon king said he liked the Rapidash one, he was talking about the one with blue flames. I hadn't added the one with wings yet.

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