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Jaden And Syrus Starter Decks

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Typical though

Jadens one was supposed to have Dandelion... what a jib

and Syrus's deck was supposed to have the STealth Union Thing


Damn, this decks do kinda suck

I Like the OCG Starter Decks Better, cause they actually follow what the actual charcter uses

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I just looked at the decks 2 minutes ago.




Honestly, I get the machine cards in it, but Zure, Knight Of Dark World? Come on, people. I waited for good cards, but Expressroid, nope, I'll get it in GLAS eventually. Glow Neos, I don't have, could be promising, a bit. But then again, could be busts like every deck before.


Edit: Really, people.





There are other cards (Cybernetic Cyclopean? He still exists?) that don't go with the characters, thats why I don't see a reason to waste money to go out and actually buy these busts they call starter decks.

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