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Snake Whistle

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Snake Whistle

Normal Trap

Activate only when a Reptile-Type monster on your side of the field is destroyed. Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Reptile-Type monster from your Deck to your side of the field.

Does anyone else find this card slightly overpowered? You can bring out a 1900 ATK monster(Alien Shocktrooper) and you don't even have to wait for the monster destroyed to hit the Graveyard.

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Yeah, since Reptiles don't have much support, this card is very helpful. Unless you were working with an Alien deck, since they're Reptiles too, but different.


I wonder how a Venom/Alien deck would work out, since they're both Reptiles.....

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Im glad that there makign mroe reptile support now, the reptiles had been overlooked and hadnt done anything for years! I could see in the future that people will be running reptile decks. What i reckon now is to overlook more of the other types and give them support cards like Plants and Sea Serpents

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Not really. To be honest this is much needed reptile support.


I heared a rumor that 1 package has alot of reptile monsters and support cards.


It will also include Broken Bamboo Sword (rofl)


And its a pretty good card in my opinion.


The sets already released. TAEV. Best thing to happen to reptiles since aliens.

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Now we jsut need and Sea Serpent support' date=' lol.



Levia Dragon Daedalus makes up for the terribleness of all sea serpents, besides they work well with aqua and fish types anyway.


Definetley not happening in gladiators assault. Not much is happening in gladiators assault for that matter.


Theres still that soul absorbing board from TOS (the one with the evil chakram in it that gets smashed by the giant rock), ok fine, its just a card, but theres some sort of conspiracy here. :P


And then theres that fiend fusion card. I think they need to pull a TAEV on the pack list and just put GOOD cards in it.

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