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Heroes (No Longer Accepting Applicants)

Jake the Sage

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ooc: TTSS is right eherobull18. you can NEVER make a call that doesn't leave no opening for others. In factas far as I'm concerned we continue from this:


The blast knocks everyone back and almost unconcious. It looks around and then down at Drew, who was able to hold on (but bairly)


to drew (angry): try and drain my energy!


It grabs drew by the collar and points his finger at drew's forehead, which begins to glow.


to drew: good-ridance, christian warrior. chuckle.

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OCC:Can Transform into Animals for 30 mins my time was up.


Aashar:Well that ended quick.


Ooc: Wait time control and animal transformation. Plus dragons shouldn't count as animals.

ok everyone enjoy finishing him off' date=' my God bless. +light surrounds him and disappears in the sky.+ Romans 12/21



Ooc: Teleport drain powers forcefeild supreme elemental attacks. What next poop ice ceam?

ooc: TTSS is right eherobull18. you can NEVER make a call that doesn't leave no opening for others. In factas far as I'm concerned we continue from this:


The blast knocks everyone back and almost unconcious. It looks around and then down at Drew' date=' who was able to hold on (but bairly)


to drew (angry): try and drain my energy!


It grabs drew by the collar and points his finger at drew's forehead, which begins to glow.


to drew: good-ridance, christian warrior. chuckle.



Ooc: You're not much better. In fact yours is worse.

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Aashar:On the Floor. No!!! Aashar Crawled his way to The robot and grabbed his foot.


Aashar(In pain):If im going down your comin to! Pause time!


Aashar:Im gonna die and so are you we camn't breath and we all die here.


Aashar blew himself up with the robot.


Aashar risked his life to kill the robot..................Who is left to defend the world............

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first to adress, eherobull18: no one said you got killed! don't say you get killed, wait until it's said (NEVER ASSUME!)

second to adress, aashar: I get the feeling you wanna quite by killing your hero. if so just PM me that you wanna quite.


If everyone thinks this guy is too hard, I will be having him defeated soon so just have patiance!

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Aashar:On the Floor. No!!! Aashar Crawled his way to The robot and grabbed his foot.


Aashar(In pain):If im going down your comin to! Pause time!


Aashar:Im gonna die and so are you we camn't breath and we all die here.


Aashar blew himself up with the robot.


Aashar risked his life to kill the robot..................Who is left to defend the world............


Ooc: Don't blame you.

ooc: ok TTSS. I run this. I'll admit aasahr didn't wait the full time and dragons don't count. eherobull18 needs to tone it down a bit and not be so ghigh powered. But saying I'm wrong? they guy who's running this?


Ooc: I guess I am. Who do you think hasmore experience. 6 star or 3 star.

Aoz: Tin can time to die!

+an axlike weapon comes out of his arm and slashes the machines arm right off and disappears .+


Ooc: Now there's another guy. Plus when did the first die?

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Name:Hero King




Superpowers:Super Strength,Flight,Time Control,Shape-Shifting,Telekineses.

Attacks:Flow of Time(Goes back in time and brings back a T-Rex to bite target)

Punch of Power(Punches target using telekineses energy)

Bio:Steven Time was 13 years old at the time.His father brought back The Ruby of Time,a gem possesed by a spirit,and gave it to Steven.He wa possesed the second he touched it.

After 22 years of training,Steven became the Hero King.

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Name:Hero King




Superpowers:Super Strength' date='Flight,Time Control,Shape-Shifting,Telekineses.

Attacks:Flow of Time(Goes back in time and brings back a T-Rex to bite target)

Punch of Power(Punches target using telekineses energy)

Bio:Steven Time was 13 years old at the time.His father brought back The Ruby of Time,a gem possesed by a spirit,and gave it to Steven.He wa possesed the second he touched it.

After 22 years of training,Steven became the Hero King.



OoC: Um yeah, how about PM your form to Jake so he can let you join? Plus, you can't be a Hero King, that is just saying your the King of Heros, which you are not otherwise it would be instant unfair. Plus your attacks and superpowers are way too overpowered and unfair. In other words, I think this would considered spam in my opinion.

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ooc: ok everyone I'm back! first aashar (who isn't logged in) isn't dead. You can't kill your character- you know what? I'll let it pass. And now that Drew was killed also his other side, Aoz, came out. We left from there


ooc (to duelist): you and dragon1214 almost killed him (remember when he was getting tired?). But hyoma (TTSS's character) gave him new energy; It is an andriod and therefore can absorb energy and use if for himself to heal, attack, defend, etc.

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