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Eternal Struggle (no longer accepting!!)


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Ha Des stops as Zinros appears in front of him. "You....you'll pay for your treachery!" He said, as his body began flowing with energy. "You underestimated me last time, and that'll be the last mistake you'll ever make!" He grabs Zinros by his throat and holds him in the air, his dark power surging through Zinros' body. "And now....SKILL DRAIN!!!" Ha Des started syphoning energy from Zinros, weakening him greatly. "Ahahaha!! Let's see you fight now!"


Meanwhile, with the others:


Dex stood over by Neo, ready to help whenever possible. He then turned and saw Reciou sitting by herself against a tree. "You guys take care of Neo, I'll be right back." He walked over to Reciou and knelt down beside her. "Hey, what's wrong? You're not acting like yourself...although I'm not even sure what 'yourself' is...." he said, though he thought that he may of sounded offending.

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"What just happened" he asked feeling weaker. Ha Des what have you done, whats happening to me? *Notices that his sword returns to its normal form* #It doesnt matter i can still defeat him I think# Ill still defeat you Ha Des no matter what you did. Zinros tries to slice Ha Des but it does nothing, "What have you done Ha Des, what type of magic is this. Zinros Slashes Ha Des multiply times with no stop, while Ha Des was taking no damage what so ever.

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*she looked up at Dex and shook her head at him silently as if to say nothing were wrong. she began to pet Hazel on the head as he sat in her lap. she looked down at Hazel silently thinking to herself all the while. she then looked up at Dex and smiled at him silently, her knowing Orion wasnt in control right then. she then looked back down at Hazel before picking him up and putting him on her shoulder again. she stood up and looked down at Dex for a few moments before looking off towards the woods*

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Ha Des through Zinros onto the stairs in front of him, taunting him thusly. "You really thought you had a chance against me? Pathetic worm!" He grabbed Zinros by his ankle and held him over the stairwell. "It's a long way down...Let's see if you survive!" He let go of Zinros, letting him fall down towards the first floor. He then turned to Sindri, saying, "Come on, there's work to do!" Sindri gulped, and proceeded to follow his master up the stairs.


Meanwhile, Dex stood next to Reciou, as she seemed content for the time being. He walked back over to where Neo was laying and tried to help in any way possible. "Where's all this blood coming from? Did anyone see him get injured?" he asked Xain. He knelt down, seeing if he could figure anything out for himself.

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*as she stared into the woods she thought she saw something move. she walked to the edge of the woods as if trying to see what it was but soon gave up after not seeing anything move. she turned and looked back at the others silently, her inspecting neo from afar. she then looked at Dex for a moment before turning away from the others. she walked a bit off from them all and stood there silently thinking to herself. she wasnt acting like her normal self and even she knew it. Hazel looked at her curiously from her shoulder as if wondering why she wasnt as happy as normal.*

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a dark feeling came over neo. it was cold and dark in his mind. he knew he was bleeding but the blood wasn't warm. instead it was a cold black flowing out of his arm. in his mind he only saw one thing, a eye, surronded in shadows. he despiritly wanted to get up but could not move or awakin all he could do was look into that big dark eye...

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Dex raised an eyebrow as the Ojamas continued wrapping their underwear around Neo's arm. "Are you sure those are clean?" he asked them. He then looked over to Reciou, who was standing by herself over by the forest's edge seeming unhappy. He walked over to her and asked, "Hey, what's the matter?" He placed a hand on her right shoulder. "You're not acting like yourself, now what's wrong?" Alicia was busy trying to work up some healing magic for Neo, but without her staff she was much weaker than normal. "Oh....If only I had my staff, I could possibly help..." she said to herself disappointingly.

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*she completely ignores Dex as if he hadnt ever said anything to her. she then walked off into the woods silently as if in a trance. she quickly started to follow the moving object in the forest as it picked up in speed. she then stopped in a very small clearing, her seeming to have lost the moving object. she felt as if someone was watching her as she stood there silently. she tried to move from the spot she was in but couldnt move her body at all as if someone or something was holding her in that spot, her still seeming as if she were in a trance.*

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"You guys stay here, I'll be right back!" Dex shouted at the others, right before taking off after Reciou. He barely kept up with her, and almost lost her until she stopped suddenly in a clearing. He walked up next to her, panting as he said, "Geez...what's the matter with you? Why were you-" Dex stopped talking as he felt a dark presence near them. He gripped the hilt of his sword, ready to attack anything that sprung up against them. He looked around trying to see where the presence was at, then noticed a crouched figure in some long grass, watching them intently. "Come on out, I know you're there!" Dex shouted at the figure, pointing his blade at him. The figure calmly arose from the grass revealing himself to the two. "Necroshade?" Dex responded in disbelief, "But, wha-?" Before Dex could finish his sentence, Necroshade rushed up and struck him in his stomach, taking him to the ground. Necroshade then looked at Reciou, saying to her, "You must come with me...This place is no longer safe..."

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*she looked at necroshade silently, before thinking to him.* 'why is it that i must go? what has made it anymore dangerous than it already is? i do not wish to go....' *she looks down at Dex through the corner of her eyes, still feeling unable to move* 'i... i wish to stay with Dex....' *she then looks up at necroshade her pausing for a moment before thinking to him again* 'i... i... i care for him... a lot.' *she continues to look up at necroshade* 'why did you attack him?', she thinks to him, 'he is supposed to protect me...'

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Necroshade tightly grabbed one of Reciou's arms, speaking to her viciously, "You must come with me! There is no option here! You'll die if you don't!" He began pulling her, but was immediately tripped up by Dex, whom then slammed his heel into his gut. Dex stood up and stomped on his chest, yelling down at him, "What the hell was that for? And what do you mean she'll die if she doesn't come with you?" Necroshade didn't say anything, instead he just laughed maniacally up at Dex. Dex held his sword in the air, and plunged it into Necroshade's chest, killing him instantly. He pulled the sword out, and Necroshade's body melted away like a shadow. "That wasn't the real Necroshade...it was only a shadow..." Dex said, his voice mixed along with Orion's voice. He turned toward Reciou, asking her, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

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*she fell to her knees as the fake necroshade tripped while pulling her along. as he let go of her arm she pushed herself back away from him on the ground frantically. she held her arm up to herself and rubbed it lightly where the fake necroshade had grabbed her, it hurting a little. she watched silently as Dex killed the fake necroshade, her still a little freaked out from the fake's attempt to take her with him. she looked up at Dex silently before nodding to him to let him know she was ok. she then pushed herself up and looked up at Dex happily before hugging him lightly. she then let go and looked down at the ground silently before speaking to him softly.* 'i told him that i didnt want to go because you're the one who is supposed to protect me and...' *she paused for a moment as her cheeks got really red while staring at the ground, her thinking to herself that she wasnt going to be able to say it* she continued to speak quietly and softly, 'and because... i... i... like you a lot...' *her face was now completely red and she turned away from him still looking at the ground now deathly silent, her somewhat afraid of his response*

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a sinister laugh erupted in neo's mind. an evil laugh he woundered where it was coming from then he realized that it was his own... "no!" he awoke in a cold sweat to see his arm wrapped in under where and alicia trying to heal him. as soon as he awakened his arm stopped bleeding. "what happened and where is dex and reciou?"

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Dex was taken aback from the last statement Reciou made to him. He stepped back, not knowing what to say. He dropped his sword on the ground in astonishment. Under his helmet, he could feel his face getting hot, he knew his cheeks were glowing red. He turned his head away, trying not to seem too conspicuous. He said to her, "R-really? Well, I...." he paused, thinking that what he was about to say was a bad idea. "....I like...you too..." He turned completely around, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. He didn't know what to say next, his brain had just done a complete somersault. I used to dispise her just for being a Spellcaster, but now.... he thought to himself, ...I guess spending time with her has opened me up to her... Meanwhile, back with the others, Alicia looked down at Neo as he finally awakened, and seeing the blood stop flowing. "My, you recover fast! What happened?" she asked, and then answered his question before he could answer hers, "They ran deeper into the forest, that way..." She pointed toward the direction where Dex and Reciou ran off to.

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Xain sat down by a tree, watching as Neo was heading towards the forest. He looked at the map the Dark Sage gave to him. He had a sudden flashback of Reciou telling him that Orion's body had decayed into the soil. "Shouldn't the Dark Sage already know that? Why would he give this to me..." He opened the map, revealing the small writing inside. "I don't understand...this is supposed to be a map for the Stones of Reincarnation. But why does it have some writing in here?" He looked at the very end of the writing, which was a spell. Once Xain looked at it, his armor turned red and he became stronger. He headed straight for the forest where Reciou and Dex were.

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ooc: back for a bit


Zinros finally reaches the bottom of the staircase. "What is happening.... how come i couldnt damage Ha Des". *Why is everything so dark.... why cant I see anything, How long do I have to live*. "Why do you fight?" a mysterous voice said. "I fight to get stronger and to fight Dex". "You shall see that one day you will fight for others and will fight along side with Dex" said the Mysterous Voice. #Zinros wakes up*

"Where am i, was that a dream?", As Zinros looks around he finds out that he is still in fortress. "I need to get out of here".

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*she continued to look at the ground silently as she heard him drop his sword on the ground. she seemed to be expecting the worst from his previous actions as she heard him starting to speak. she turned around quickly and looked at him in surprise as he told her he liked her too. she walked over to him and picked up his sword before walking in front of him with it, her now silently holding it up for him to grab. she seemed really happy as she looked up at him silently her face still a little red. she seemed as if she were waiting for his next response.*

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In the cave where the Dark Sage was buried:


A clown looked out from the cave. "Hehehe....the spell has taken effect on the magician...Ha Des will be very happy now...." He teleported in front of Ha Des, then told him what happened.


In the forest with Dex and Reciou:


Xain dashed through the forest. The trees were flying out of the way when he went near them. He appeared in front of Dex and Reciou and held his staff up. "Dark Magic Attack!" He blasted Dex and almost knocked him out. He grabbed Reciou's arm and pulled her towards Ha Des' Fortress.

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"oh but, what!" neo yelled as xain came charging through with reciou in a red armor. "xain what, Get back here!" as he tried to strike, his arm pulsated. on the back of his hand he saw a strange eye open and darkness poured out of it, covering his arm in a shadowy coating. he gained claws and before he cold say or do anything the shadow arm extended and grabed xain by the neck forsing him to drop reciou and she crawled away startled at what happened. he felt his arm tighten without his own accord almost strangling the sorrceror. "no!" he use all his might to prevent xains death. but as he relised his grip the sorceror struck back and attacked neo giving him only enough time to grab his sword and deffend. then without haste xain grabed reciou once agian and ran with neo swiftly following behined the eye on his hand closed and the shadows residing.

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"Now how do i get out of here"? *Zinros looked around as if it was his first time here while holding his wounds* "You shall leave after you obtain a gift.... for now you are in a copy of Ha Des' Fortress, intil u gain a certain power you cannot go anywhere, you need the power of the darkness." A Mystious voice said. "What do you mean.. are you saying am no longer in the Fortress, what is this power, and who are you? *A Mystious Figure comes out of the shadows* " Im you, your darkside. Im here to show you your true gift, the abillity to take a different form, after behind throw down the stairs you are in a near -death state. You need this power to live or you will die. You have 3 hours to find it in this realm."

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*as Xain grabbed her arm, she tried to pull back toward Dex frantically. she then began to kick at Xain's legs angrily before realizing she still had Dex's sword in her hand. she swung Dex's sword at Xain's back a few times before giving up on the sword and charging energy up in her wand. she seemed pretty angry that Xain had struck Dex but even more angry that he grabbed her arm and was trying to drag her off. she began to pull even harder in the opposite direction of the fortress hoping to get out of Xain's grip.*

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