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Best Card


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ARGH!!! NO! NO! NO! NO! :evil: Can you all not understand what I say? Thank you all very much for nominating new cards, but nominate already nominatd cards, there is a list of them in the second reply to this topic! As soon as a card passes though the four levels they are in the running for best card, we are not going to get anywhere if we JUST keep nominating more cards!

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Ok, here's something I think you will all find fun. I will be making a Hall of Fame topic in Any Other Cards. It works like this, someone suggests a card, from any forum, and if you desire form the salvaged cards. I will then make a poll which will run for a day or two on whether that card should be inducted into the hall of fame. If a card has been nominated for the Hall of Fame but does not make it, it can be re-suggested and voted on again. The cool thing is that you CAN nominate your own cards, and you CAN have more than 1, 2, 10, 100. The Hall of Fame will document how many cards you have in the Hall of Fame, and will also have the cards themselves, which can be commented on. I hope you all get involved with this...


By the way, Best Card is still on, despite the Hall of Fame.

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