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What kind of fanfic is your favorite to read?


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maybe I should specify what I meant.

Sorry, the page closed out before I could finish the poll, didn't know it actually posted.

I mean, do you want real characters with the storyline (like instead of ash in pokemon, make it a real person, with real pokemon; or instead of yugi and joey in yugioh, make it real people playing the game, with a twist).

Do you want the anime characters in other situations you wouldn't normally find them in in the storyline.

Do you want pokemon, yugioh, dragon ball z, etc.


Let me know. I'm itching to write something and have no real motivation or ideas.

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Real Characters for me, OCs get on my last nerve (well if they're not getting to a relationship with an anime character then they're alright).


Throw anything you want at them. Heck my latest fanfic idea is just a random pairing like usual. I tend to read YGO in terms of fanfics. (And DN coz DN rox, esp MelloxNear or MelloxMatt.)

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Good point on that first part.


Pet hate Script fics....as long as you avoid them people should be ok if they like the idea. I like some fluff (I'm a Yaoi fangirl, once again doesn't help lol). Give people something they can get their teeth into a good few chapters. (One shots are really just for romance)

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I can't read something that isn't well thought out, isn't grammatically correct, has too many spelling errors, or just seems too OOC. I like descriptiveness, I like characters acting the way they are SUPPOSED to act, and I don't like the story rushing along so fast that it seems apparent it was written in 2 minutes with zero talent.


That said, I enjoy Romance as far as Genre goes. I'm a real sucker for a good love story (GOOD being the keyword). I also like Humor. The only time I accept OOCness is if it's a Crack-Humor fic, and only if it's crack-humor I'm enjoying.


I like to read about he actual characters when I read a fanfic. I don't much care for OCs unless their sole point of existence is to move the story along - as Rosey said, making an OC as important as a real character, or making them get into a relationship with a character and making it the focal point of the fic irritates the hell out of me.



So yeah, I'm a very picky reader. Which is why I don't often get my fill of good fanfiction. =/

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