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Booster pack tut (commenter said this even works on paint!) 10/10 ratings. Video added. *Updated with quicker way*


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For anyone who doesn't know how to make a booster pack, I made this tut to help you.

Step 1: Save this nwn5e9.png


Step 2: Save this 33afc4p.jpg and this 2ylptv7.gif


Step 3: Save 1 or more of the following. (Only 1 used on a used on each pack).








Step 4: Open up GIMP.


Step 5: Open the border that you saved in step 1.


Step 5: Copy and paste the pic you want to use onto the border.


Step 6: Go to Tools>Transform Tools>Scale or press Shift+T


Step 7: Set Width to 199 and Height to 316 and click ok.


Step 8: Go to Tools>Transforming Tools>Move or press M.


Step 9: Move the pic so it's between the top and bottem of the border.


Step 10: Go to File>Open As Layers or press Ctrl+Alt+O.


Step 11: Open up one of the Yugioh logos you saved in Step 3.


Step 12: Position it to your desires.


Step 13: Go to File>Open As Layers or press Ctrl+Alt+O.


Step 14: Open up up the 2 logos you saved in Step 2.


Step 15: Position them to your desires.


Step 16: Click on the big A on the toolbar.


Step 17: Click on the Aa and click on Palatino Linotype Bold.


Step 18: Click on the colour bar and select the colour you want for your text.


Step 19: Set the Size of the text to something around 20 by clicking on the up and down arrows next to the Size bar or type the size you want in the bar.


Step 20: Click on your pack so far in the place where you want your text.


Step 21: A text box should come up, tick the Use Selected Font Box and type in the name of your booster pack.


Step 22: Click the Close on the text box.


Step 23: Go to Tools>Transform Tools>Move or press M.


Step 24: Position the text to your desires.


Step 25: Get a new text box up by doing the same as you did for the title text but this time set the Size to 12. You might want to change the colour too.


Step 26: Click somewhere on your booster pack so far and type in " # cards per pack".


Step 27: Click on the close on the text box.


Step 28: Yet again go to Tools>Transform Tools>Move or press M.


Step 29: Position your new text to your desires.


Step 30: Go to File>Save As or press Shift+CTRL+S and type in the name of your booster pack and click save.


Step 31: It should say something like it can't handle layers, just click export and save it and your done!


If you want multi-colored text read more.


Step 32: Go to Dialogues>Layers or press Ctrl+L and make sure it's on the name of your booster pack.


Step 33: Go to Layer>Transparency>Add Alpha To Section.


Step 34: Click on the Blend Tool on the Tool Bar and select the Gradient you want.


Step 35: Draw a line through the text you want to be the Gradient colour.


Step 36: Save it as explained in Step 30 and 31 and your done!


You should turn out with sometihng like this:



I made a video of me making a pack to help you make yours.

View My Video

Here's the pack I made on the vid



Quicker way added

Step 1: Save one of these templates






Step 2: Add a picture the same way as in the longer way.


Step 3: Resize the picture to 199 316 the same way as in the longer way.


Step 4: Go to Dialogues>Layers or press Ctrl+L.


Step 5: Clcik one of the green arrows pointing down at the bottem of the layers thing.


Step 6: Continue from step 16 in the longer way.


From the quick way I made this:



Hope I helped!


Please leave feedback and feel free to post your result.


Reps appreciated

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