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Glorious eXcess

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*gasp a B*


My grades for grade 6:


Math: A - 98%

Social Studies: A - 93%

Science: A - 96%

GYM: A - 91% (I didn't try)

Unified Arts Rotation(Varies for everyone): A - 100%

English: A - 99%

Reading: A - 97%


Yep. Those are my real grades ^^

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Wouldent this maybe go in polls or somthing?

And' date=' dear god, an 89, and your crying?

Also, umm...107 in art? Umm...From what I know, the highest % to go into 100, is, um..100 0.o



You forgot extra credit and seriously a B come on my lowest grade average is a normal B also thats not bad.


My grades:Grade 6

Study Hall/Lunch 100% LOL No grade here

Math 6/7 A 96%

Family Consumer sciences A+ 100%=s (At my middle school we dont have outstanding just satisfactory and nonsatisfactory)

Language Arts B 91%

Health/PE A 96%

Science A+ 99% (Forgot to right a complete sentence LOL)

Social Studies A+ 100%

Tech not until 3 semester

Keyboarding not until 2 semester (3 weeks I think)

Art not until 4 semester

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Am I the only Freshman in here?




Tech Theatre:A

English: A

Science: A-

Health: A

P.E.: A+

Algebra 1: A


I was supposed to be in Honors, but I forgot to fill out the form. Also, my 7th grade math teacher was a jabroni and didn't put me in Algebra 1 even though I had a passing grade.


Nonetheless, my dad is taking me out to dinner for my first straight A report card.

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and Glorious, omg such high scores man.....

no one is perfect, remember that

and omg 107%?

...my results from last year:

Science: 80

Maths: 93

French: 94

History: 85


Only teh best subjects XD

but for the rest, seriously in my class at least 3rd highest


p.s I got english 52%, but hey! I'm still in the top set!

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[align=center]We don't rate.


It's like this:


When your Asian it's different.

An A doesn't stand for Awesome anymore, it stands for Average. A B stands for Bad, because when you make a B you're already below average other Asians are making A's. A C stands for Crap, it means you're doing terrible, your parents are probably going to lecture you, they gonna spank you a few times. a D stands for Death, Your parents are going to threaten to kill you. And then an F stands for F%^$ed, your parents are probably going to try to get rid of you, they'll try to abandon you or something, terrible things happen.




.A. <-----> Average. Level 9

[for an 8th grader this is too good, 3 of us get these all the time]



.A. <-----> Average. Level 8

[Meh too bad for an asian]



.B. <-----> Bad. Level 5

[i didn't get spanked]



.B. <-----> Bad. Level 5

[same as Arabic]



.A. <-----> Average. Level 9

[Good for an asian]



.B. <-----> Bad. Level 6

[My parents wouldn't really be caring but they do.]



.A. <-----> Average. Level 10

[That's good ^_^]


I won't really list the other ones, they are the same.


So if this answers your question then I'm an Average for an asian, I make A's, Sometimes B's but never C's, my parents hate me and they call me a failure at life.[/align]

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Math: 56% F

English: 60% D

Business App: 76% C

Drawing/Painting: 77% C

Geography: 20% F

Basic Chemistry: 30% F


... I stay lazy boi inschool...


You must be the only person lazier than me


The only time I ever got homework done was during school' date=' was [s']in free periods or [/s]in the middle of other classes

(Never mind, I came on YCM during my free periods)


Although, I managed to usually get 100% on every test

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I'm in Year 8


Math: 7A :D (highest in group; 99% on yr6sat)

Science: 7C :) (highest in group; 95% on yr6sat)

English: 6A :| (second in group; 93% on yr6sat)

French: 4A :P (second in group; started last year)


I do Year 10 maths.

Level 8A / 99% on yr6sat / 148 on y9sat


(I do some Year 10 maths too, that's easy if you mean what I assume you mean. Acing Yr6sats is also easy.)


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