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Best Video Game of All Time? (Future Poll)


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Roll in the suggestions, since there is currently only 10 spots avaliable in the poll, we will make suggestions for the best game, then nominate, then make the poll after nomination. If by then we can add more options and have multi-choice polls, I will add more games, so get started!


Nominations (Not all nominated games are there yet because I'm unsure of their console);

PC Games

Medieval: Total War

Age of Empires 2: The Conquerers

Warcraft Series

The Sims

Sim City

Fable the Lost Chapters

Serious Sam 2


Nintendo 64

Goldeneye (3)

Duke Nukem 64

Perfect Dark

Zelda: Ocarina of Time




Street Fighter Alpha 2

Metal Gear Solid






Sonic Adventure 2: Battle


Gameboy (All gameboys will be in this unless we get lots of suggestion/nominations, not including DS)

Yu-Gi-Oh - Ultimate Masters - World Campionship Tournament 2006 (2)

Advance Wars

Yu-Gi-Oh CX Duel Academy





Multi Console

Resident Evil

Zelda, Twilight Princess

Half-Life 2

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Ahem! (Takes out list):


Goldeneye (Do I need to explain this one?)


Metal Gear Solid (Revolutionised gaming, a fantastic achievement in style and will forever be remembered)


Zelda: Ocarina of Time (I don't think I need to explain the brilliance of this...)


Zelda: Twilight Princess (I'm playing through it at the moment and it's possibly the best game ever)


Resident Evil (Yes, the original Master of Unlocking!)


Final Fantasy VII (Haven't played, but just deserves a spot on this list)


Half Life (Another game that was revolutionary in it's own right)




The above are not just the list of my favourite games, but the ones that deserve to be on the list. If someone tries to nominate Halo or GTA, don't! The games aren't revolutionary, new, or even good. They're just average games, why can't you admit that?

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BUMPER: Ok, here's how it's gonna work, this topic is unlocked now so you can continue your nominations. PLEASE NOTE: I'll be making seperate polls based on console, they will run for a set amount of time, then, the ten most voted for games will go into the main poll, where we will choose your favourite game of all time. So, when you are nominating, remember, I'm no expert, I grew up playing with LEGO, not video games, so specify which console the game is from. Thanks, Frunk


Edit: The first 10 games to receive 5 nominations will be in their particular console poll. You can nominated every suggested game if you want.

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