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Random Quotes


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Ok so I found random quotes which were either funny, or I can make funny with a reply. They're all from General Section... and I thought to myself. This will go in games so people cannot get Post Count.



I agree that life does suck' date='but we should not wallow in them & spend the rest of our miserable lives thinking about them.

Instead,we should stand upright & face our problems head-on & face the future for it may bring forth a brighter tomorrow.



*Agrees* We should start moving Fowards not Backwards. Upwards not Forwards, and Always Twirling, twirling towards freedom....


people do weed for many reasons

and i find everyone of it stupid


Even medical reasons Phantasy. BTW Last I checked you did weed D:


You sir' date=' must get a life, now.

Or else, you will be sitting on your TV watching anime and going to YCM like a mindless undead.

Now please get back on your life....



Epic Pikachu is Epic?


I wanna make love to you =D


You sir' date=' must get a life, now.

Or else, you will be sitting on your TV watching anime and going to YCM like a mindless undead.

Now please get back on your life....



you know the previous threads were copypasta right?


Interesting... Cyber likes Pikachu?


Hmmm... Pot... caught with it once... wasn't mine... I was holding it for my friend... no lie I swear... never done!


Awww... Poor Sin Aura did pot and cannot admit it...


speding $3-7 bucks wins


I don't think you can buy weed with 3-7 bucks.... >.>


Add your own ^_^

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I actually like Vanilla monsters. They have useful support cards. The flavor text is also nice to read. They take real skill to use effectively.

true..... only someone as skillful as Seito Kaiba is able to control the ultimate vanilla


some of my favorite cards are normal monsters

i like vanillas too..... when im in the bathroom... on the toilet


They make great toilet paper


ahh.... awwwww... uummmmmm.....

just a hint to you mates........ theyre kinda rough..

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