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New idea I need some advice on.


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J-Max in the Written Section? Anyway enough of that, I have a new idea I would like to use but don't know where to begin with OCG. The Concept is a Continuos Spell which would allow you once per turn to choose a Monster or Spell/Trap Zone, this would also be treated as the other choice for the turn.


Here's an example. I have a Jinzo in Monster Zone 5. During my Standby Phase I choose Monmster Zone 5 to become a Spell and Trap Area. So the monster would be vunerable to Spell and Traps but be Immune to Monster destruction due to the fact that it's not a Spell/Trap Zone.


"Once per turn you can declare a Monster Zone or Spell & Trap Zone you control, until the End Phase, the chosen Zone is treated as *Stuck Here* When the chosen Zone is selected as a Target by your opponent, you can Discard one card from your hand to change the Type of Zone."

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Well, the effect you have described above has nothing to do with Zones, really. You alter cards to become different card types.


Once per turn, select a face-up Monster Card OR a face-up Spell or Trap Card. If the selected card was a Monster Card, it is treated as a face-up Continuous Spell or Trap Card (choose one), and vice versa. When the selected card is declared as a target, you can discard 1 card to negate the destruction and this card's previous effect.


Something like that, except more correct.

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Hmmm....this is quite the interesting idea you have here J. How's this sound so far:


Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can select 1 of your Monster Card Zones or Spell & Trap Card Zones. Until the End Phase of the turn, the selected Zone gains the appropriate effect based on the Type of Zone selected:

-Monster Card Zone: This Zone is treated as a Spell & Trap Card Zone. Any monster in this Zone is treated as a Continuous Spell Card.

-Spell & Trap Card Zone: This Zone is treated as a Monster Card Zone. Any Spell or Trap Card in this Zone is treated as a Monster Card in Defense Position with 0 DEF.

If the card in the selected Zone is selected as a target by your opponent, you can discard 1 card from your hand to treat the Zone as its original Type.



That's what I came up with based on the information in your post. You can go from there to tweak it to your liking :P


EDIT: Umbra's suggestion is another alternative ;)

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