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Yugioh Hyperspace travel, Battle Arc.Chapter 32 fully up, and a chunk of 33


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Today's Special is Chapter 18




[spoiler=Chapter 18]

Meanwhile Ryu is........, In an abandoned city


Ryu: (Shouting) Guys, where are you, erm guys, anybody here, hey, if anyone hears this, please reply me.


No one replied him, he can only hear the sound of the wind blowing through the buildings.


Ryu: Man, how hard can it be to search for peoples in an virtual world like this.(Sit's on D-Wheel) I guess I'll go even further then.


???: No need for that.


Ryu: Who's there?


???: The only member remaining in Team Torrenado.


Ryu: Huh?


???: Your teammates has defeated my team, and I'm here to revenge for my fallen teammates


Ryu: Where are you now then?


The ??? reveals himself, it is non other than Danny, the leader of Team Torrenado.


Ryu: So, you're here to seek vengence for your teammates, how childish, dueling is about fun, not winning.


Danny: Oh really? Prove it.


Ryu: With a duel I will.(Locks Deck)


Danny: You took the words right out of my mouth.




D-Wheels: Duel mode on, auto pilot standby.


Both:(4000 LP) Duel!


Ryu: We'll begin with your turn.


Danny: No thanks to you, Draw! I'll summon 'Soldier of Mist Valley' in attack mode!


Danny: I'll set 2 cards face down and end my turn.


Ryu: My go, Draw! I'll summon the 'Armed Dragon-Pyrofighter' (ATK 1500). And set 2 cards facedowns and end my turn.



Danny: My turn, draw! I'll normal summon the 'Watchkeeper of Mist Valley.


Danny: Battle, 'Soldier of Mist Valley' attacks 'Pyrofighter', 'Hazy Talon'.


Ryu: No way, the trap 'Confusion Picture'. When your monster attacks, the attack is negated and all your spell and traps are destroyed.



Danny: Guess that'll end my turn. and when this soldier battles and doesnt destroy the opposing monster, it returns to my hand.


Ryu: My turn, Draw! I'll summon Firebird Pollon (Def 1200) it increases an 'Armored Dragon' monster's ATK by 100. And from my hand I activate the speed spell 'Desert Track'. This card lets me declare a monster, if that monster is in your main deck or extra deck, I can inflict that monster's original attack points as damage to you. Since you play a Mist Valley deck, I declare 'Shaman of Mist Valley'!




The card that Ryu declared pops out from Danny's deck. The heat of the desert starts to create illusion, the illusion appeared as the 'Shaman of Mist Valley' the 'Shaman' lunged his claws at Danny, giving him 1200 points of damage.


Danny: Urgh(4000-1200=2800/SPC 3-1=2)


Ryu: Pyrofighter attacks Watchkeeper , Pyro Stream!


Danny: Not good(2800-100=2700).


Ryu: I'll set 3 cards facedown and end my turn.


Danny: My move, Draw! I activate the speed spell, 'Hyper Thrust'. When I have less Speed counters than my opponent, I gain Speed counters equal to the difference our speed counters.


Ryu: What!


Danny: (5 spc) I'll now summon 'Ptarmigan of Mist Valley' and return it to my hand to summon 'Mist Condor'. When it is special summoned by this way, it's ATK is now 1700! Next it's the 'Ptarmigan's' effect, if it's returned to my hand, I can special summon it to the field. Next, the speed spell 'Summon Speeder', when I had 4 or more SPC, I can special summon a level 4 or lower monster from my hand! I summon the tuner monster 'Wind user of Mist Valley'!


Ryu: A synchro summon!?


Danny: Indeed, I tune my level 2 tuner monster to my remaining monsters whose total level are level 7!Synchro Summon!Clear the mists, Mist Wurm


Danny: Mist wurm's effect, I can return up to 3 cards on my opponent's field!


Ryu: Trap activate! Effect Jammer! It negates your monster's effect and destroy it!



Danny: Spell card, De-synchro and De-Synchrorize my monster!


Ryu: Magic Jammer activate! I discard 1 card to negate your spell. since it's a spell speed 3 card, you cannot counter it unless with a Trap Jammer.



Danny: Oh god.


The 'Wurm' vaporizes into black mists.


Danny: I'll end my turn with 3 facedowns.


Ryu: My turn, Draw! I'll activate my third facedown card, Call of the Haunted, summoning my fallen 'Armored Dragon-Astrocomet'.

29582my9.jpg Ryu: Astrocomet, attack him directly, 'Comet Flame'!


Danny: Trap card, Negate Attack. It ends your Battle Phase! and this Duel.


Ryu: I'll set a card and end my turn.


Danny: My turn, Draw! I activate my 2nd Facedown, Call of the Haunted! Special summoning Mist Wurm again, I also activate 'Speed Spell - Silver Contrails' and the trap 'Weaponize' transforming a spell to an equipment spell, Mist Wurm attacks 'Pyrofighter' Acidic Mist!


The Wurm realeases a mist from a volcano like thing on it's back and dissolves 'Armed Dragon-Pyrofighter', the monster than devowers it.


Ryu: (2000)Eww, even it's a hologram.


Danny: Scared?


Ryu: Never, if that happens again, I'll spew on your ride.


Danny: If you spew on mine, you're toast! I'll set a card and end my turn.


Ryu: My turn, Draw!*That facedown is probobly a gamebreaker like Mirror Force. I better don't risk it* (Notices the card he drew)*sweet* I'll activate the speed spell 'Thunder Storm', when my SPC are 5 or higher, this card destroys a spell or trap card on the field. I select your facedown.



Danny: What the.....


Ryu: Astrocomet attacks Mist Wurm. but before that, I equip the speed spell 'Turbo-charged Energy Ring.


Ryu: Astrocomet Gains 1500 attack points.


Danny: An attack power of 4...4000!?


Ryu: I'm not done yet, I'll activate 'Speed Spell - Final Attack' it doubles a monster's attack points!(Astrocomet ATK 8000)


Danny: What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ryu: Battle, Astrocomet, 'Cosmic Meteor Blast!'




Announcer: And our Champion is Team Die Cast, A wonderful 4!!!!!!


All duelists get transported back to the stadium.


Announcer: They've won a prize money of 300,000 $ each member.


Ryu: (to Danny) I know it feels bad to lose, but losing is the only reason that we'll get better. Y'know, I always loses when i first dueled 10 years ago, I've gotten better cuz I learn from my previous defeats.


Danny: Thanks for telling me, can we duel again?


Ryu: Maybe sometimes later. Wish you luck.(Shakes hands with Danny)


Danny: I'll become stronger, you'll see!


Just like that, a long rivaly between them is born





Duel! The Town Battle begins.


The start of the new arc


[spoiler=Next times featured cards: What will it be.....(edited due to the edition of this arc)]







and finaly the....

Key card:




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Town Battle Arc, the tournament that is held in a town.


[spoiler=Chapter 19]

Duel! The Town Battle begins


Ryu and friends go home from the arena after the tournament is over(to avoid those who wanted autographs)


Ryu: Yay, it's good to be back, I'm sick of livin' in the KC hotel.(Lies down on the sofa)


Ryu's elder sister, Sharon, notices him being back and walks towards him.


Sharon: Hey lil' bro. How'd ya doing in the tournament?


Ryu: (Switches TV on, just in time for the news) Just watch the TV.


Sharon: What'd you mean?


TV: Yesterday, Team Diecast, leaded by Ryu, won the tournament, and the prize money of 300,000 $.


Ryu: I'm bored, If you need anything, I'm in my room.(enters the room)


Sharon: Well, Like always.


Ryu, in his room, goes online and finds out that a new tournament is in town.


Ryu: I've gotta tell this to them.


That night, Ryu is trying to rebuild his deck into a dragon-warrior deck.


Ryu: Lets see.... 1 of this, 3 copies 'Flute of Summoning Dragon', this, oh and Cyberdark too.


The next day, the team meets at the local foodstall.


Ryu: Did you guys heard about the tournament that'sabout ho be held in town?


Kado: Ya' mean the town battle tournament.


Ryu: Yep, wanna take part in it?


Sayuki: I already took part in it.(Takes out the tournament issued Duel disk )


The disk is a more streamlined shape of the 'Kaiba corp Duel Disk' with coloured highlights, it produces a Solid Hologram, which is like a hologram but it is hard, like real things.(Duh, thats what the solid means.)


Ryu: Cool. Can I try?


Sayuki: Get your own please?


The others run to the office to register.


Ryu: I want to register for this tournament please?


Kado: Me too.


Kazemo: I'm in as well.


The worker give the three boys new Duel Disks, like Sayuki's, but with different colours.


During the opening ceremony......


Kado: Man, how many duelists are here?


Kazemo: You asked the wrong person.


Ryu: Who cares, just make sure you make it to the finals.


Suddenly, a giant screen attached to a big plane flew up the sky. the person in the screen, who's none other than 'Rex Godwin' announced something.


Godwin: Hello, duelists that participated, I knew that you all yearn to be the king. So, 'Jack Altus' and 'Yusei Fudo' is invited to participate too. You have 3 chances in this tournament, if you lose 3 times against a different duelist, you're out!


Ryu: What, the two 'Signer' duelists? How cool is that?


Kado: Well, if we can beat them, it's way cooler than the cool you said.


Godwin: Let the tournament begin!!!


Ryu: Well guys, shall we part?


Kazemo: Yeah, make sure you guys are in the finals for me to kick your butts.


Ryu: In the finals, yes, my butt being kicked, no.


The team went seperate ways.


Kado: (runing around the streets) Man, how hard is it to find an opponent. (bumps into someone) Sorry, I'm so sorry.(Finds out that person is Jack Altus.)Yikes!


Jack: Hey small person, wanna, duel?(Takes deck from deck box and load it into the deck)


Kado: O.....Ok, I n..never backs do..down from a duel.




Both: 4000.


Kado:*Can't belive my first opponent is Jack*


Jack: Hey, you start first.


Kado drew his opening hand, and drew a card.


Kado: I'll set 1 monster and set two cards and end my turn.


Jack: My move, Draw, I'll special summon 'Vice Dragon' with it's effect but half of it's attack points. Next, I sacrifice it to summon the Strongwind Dragon. (2400 Atk) Strongwind Dragon's monster effect, if a dragon-type monster is used to tribute summon this dragon, it gains half the original attack points of the sacrificed monster.(2400+1000=3400 ATK)




Jack: Strongwind Dragon attacks your set monster, 'Strong Huricane'!


Kado: I knew that you'll use a piercing monster against a defencive monster,so I activate, 'Waboku', Reducing the battle damage to 0


Meanwhile, in Ryu's duel.


Ryu: 1 Armored Dragon Bolshack, 2 Firebird Lupia and the field spell Dragon's Lair and 3 facedown(2300 LP)


Opponent(Neil): 1 Omnitrix hero -Diamondhead, 1 Scrap Metal Dragon and 1 facedown.(3100 LP)


Ryu: I activate the spell, Mystical Space Typhoon, from my hand.


Neil: Here it goes again!


A tornado blew the facedown open, destroying the card. It is revealed as Attack Dodge before that.




Ryu: I now summon the 'Armored Dragon-Velkyria'(3000), it allows me to add the monster with Armored Dragon in it's monster from my hand.


Neil: Wasn't that a level 8


Ryu: Wrong, the card Dragon's Lair reduces the dragon-type's monster in both player's hand by 2, next each copy of 'Firebird-Lupia ' reduces a Dragon type's level by 1, so it's lv 4, making it available to be normal summoned.


Neil: Aww-man.


Ryu: I also play Double Summon, summoning my level 2 tuner monster-Flame Synchron. I tune my Synchron to my Bolshack. Synchro summon! my burning spirit, Armored Dragon-Billion Degree!


Billion Degree, destroy Scrap metal Dragon with Blazing Skydive.


The dragon surrounds itself with a red aura and flies up to the sky, it then lunges itself to Scrap Metal Dragon, like a living meteor.




Neil: Something tells me this is gonna be hurt.(3100-1400=1700)


Ryu: Now, I attack your 'Hero' with 'Velkyria'.


Neil: Doomed.(1700+1800-3000=500)


Ryu: I activate the trap, Synchro Blast, Inflicting 500 damage you each time a synchro monster attacks.




Neil: (LP 0)


Back to Kado's duel.


Kado: My turn, Draw!





What will Kado do in order to defeat Jack? find out on the next chapter titled: Kado Vs Jack, The unbeatable opponent.


Next time's Key card is Jack's ace monster




Sorry if this chapter is too short

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Chapter 20!!!!!


[spoiler=Chapter 20]

Kado Vs Jack, The unbeatable opponent



Kado: My move, Draw! I'll activate 'Double Summon'. I'll normal summon the 'Tidal Hulcus'(ATK 2000) and tribute it to summon my 'Tidal Spinslicer'(2500 ATK) . My monster's effect, like your dragon's, gain half of the monster's attack points that is tributed if it's a 'Tidal' monster. Attack his dragon, with 'Spining Blade Strike'


Jack (3900)


Kado: I'll set 2 Facedowns.


Jack: My turn, Draw! I'll play my own copy of 'Double Summon from my hand. I'll summon my 'Dark Resonator' and my 'Twin-Shield Defender'.



Jack: I'm tuning my Level 3 'Dark Resonator' to my level 4 'Twin Shield Defender'."The ruler's shouts echo thorughout! Hammer of Victory, shatter the very earth! Synchro Summon! Flap your wings, Explode Wing Dragon!".

400px-ExplodeWingDragon-JP-Anime-5D-NC.png(Atk 2400)

Jack: Next, the Equip spell, Megamorph, doubling my monster's ATK. Battle, 'Explode wing Dragon'(4800 ATK) attacks 'Tidal Spinslicer'! My dragon's effect, when it attacks a monster with lower ATK than itself, that monster is automaticly destroyed, and it's original ATK is dealt as Battle Damage to you!


Kado: Not good.(1500 LP)


Jack: Next the spell card 'Mystical Space Typhoon' and destroy my 'Megamorph' since now my dragon's attack is halved.


Kado: My turn, Draw! I activate 'Graceful Charity', Drawing 3 cards while discarding 2. Next, I activate 'Pot of Greed' and Draw 2 cards. I also play Monster Reborn and reborn my discarded 'Tidal Lancer'. I'll activate the spell card 'Polymerization', and fuse my 'Lancer' with the 'Tidal Paladin' in my hand, "Fusion Summon! Tsunami Swords, Tidal Zwei-lancer.


Beside Kado appeared a man made of water with a horse for it's lower torso, he raised his lance and galloped(3200)


Kado: I'll also normal summon the 'Tidal Sniper'(1500). 'Zweilancer' attack his 'Dragon' with 'Tsunami Meteor'.


The Zweilancer galloped towards the dragon and shot right through it's heart.


Jack(3100 LP)


Kado: 'Tidal Sniper' Direct attack! 'Sharp Sniping Bullets'


Jack: (1600 LP)


Kado: I end my turn.


Jack: My turn, Draw. I activate another copy of 'Double Summon', I summon 'Hyper Synchron' and my 'Twin-Shield Defender'. "The ruler's heartbeats will now file through here! Take witness to its creation-shaking power! Synchro Summon! My very soul, Red Dragon Archfiend!".


Jack: Hyper Synchron's effect boosted my dragon's ATK to 3800!


Kado: What!


Jack: This is the end! 'Red Dragon Archfiend', destroy his 'Sniper'! 'Crimson Hell Flare'!


Jack's Dragon inhaled, then exhaled a pilar of fire, the fire bursted through the target, and hit Kado along with both monsters.


Kado: Nooooooo!!!!!!!!(0 LP)


[[Duel Ends]


Kado: Y'sure are strong.


Jack: Whatever, anyways you sure are tough, for a kid.


Just like that, Kado losses his first chance





Kazemo is dueling next, with Rua(Lua/Leo or whatever, I prefer the japanese version more) . Next chapter. Kazemo Vs Morphtrontics ;Envoy of World Peace, Power tool Dragon


[spoiler=Next Time's Key Card.]



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