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Yu-gi-oh - Chaos of the virtual World (topic one, Signups)

Sunshine Jesse

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In a world where a virus ravages players of a game, most players don't even know it yet. When they log in near the location of the virus, a small charge is sent through their body. This can kill them, or give them severe heart problems (a la Hell Kaiser). The admins of this game found out that the virus is in a hacked player account, and when this player is defeated the virus will leave. Problem is, he is invisible unless you wish to challenge him, he has 50000 Lifepoints, and a very powerful deck.




Basically, its the original Virtual World arc (one with the Five-God-Dragon and the transvestite princess). Except in the GX era. I'm the "game master" (some other players can be to) and basically play the role of the virus. You can duel each other (which you will while I'm not doing the storyline), but i can interrupt you for purposes of story line.



You have a 8000 lifepoint max.

Everytime you win a duel, your max lifepoints will go up by 1000, remember this well. However, they don't recover fully unless you win 2 duels in a row or I say otherwise.

If you lose, your max goes down by 500. When you reach Zero, you are out of the RP (for now)

No Exodia decks.

No massively overpowered or invincible made-up cards.

No godmoding.

No FTK's (First Turn Kills)





ANY game master can fufuill the role of the virus, even if you have your own player. You just can't defeat him in a duel when you have your own.

Duels can be tag-team or 2-5 v 1, but the one player has their max lifepoints times the number of opponents. (these apply to labyrinth and regular duels only)

This RP wont end just when the virus is defeated.



The Duels can either be normal, free-roam (initial virtual world arc) or Labyrinth (paradox bros duel)

No restrictions for monsters that can move in the labyrinth.

Use your imagination, dont be too basic!



Character Template Below



deck: (you can post your deck in its entirety or a basic summary of it, you CAN use made up cards, whether they belong to you or not, but if they aren't yours you have to ask permission to use them)

appearance: (description or picture, it really doesn't matter.)





1. Armageddon Man (me)




(If you want to be a gamemaster, PM me about it.)

RP starts Saturday, but you can sign-up whenever you want.

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