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Print Screen-taken images can't ulpoad ?



I don't know if this is the right place to post this lol, but i think it is :O


Anyway, i need help with something regarding 'ulpoading image' on your card. You se, i am currently making an '(naruto) Orochimaru deck' and am at about 32/40 cards. i was bit borred so i thought why not make an '(naruto) Akatsuki card set' ? So i did. i am now at 'Akatsuki Kakuzu' (in the anime series he had 5 hearts, 1 being his own original heart and 4 beast-like creatures made out of a bunch of 'cables' and they each contain a heart of theyr own, which kakuzu can inplant in his body to make him alive once more if killed.) and so i wanted not to only make Kakuzu but also his 4 other beasts containing those 4 other hearts. However, there ARN'T ANY PICS of those 4 beasts ANYWHERE on the net, i think. Cause i looked everywhere and havn't found any good ones of each one of them, since i don't want a pic of all 4 of them together.


ANYWAY...this has nothing to do with my question and you don't have to know anything of Naruto to answer my question SORRY lol. What i want to ask is... ' Why can't i ulpoad any pictures i have taken with Print Screen ?' I tried to capture those 4 beasts on print Screen by playing a vid from the episode where they were shown, but i can't ulpoad it. It just says : 'Error : File must be an image.' Anyone knows ? if somebody can help pls do, i am realy sad about this :(!!

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7 answers to this question

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if YCMaker shows an error for a card i want to upload i just 'print screen' it and save it in paint as a .PNG.


then i jsut upload it myself via imageshack.


iwhereas the same applies to capturing images from videos etc. print screen, save to paint as PNG. and upload via YCMaker or imageshack.

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if YCMaker shows an error for a card i want to upload i just 'print screen' it and save it in paint as a .PNG.


then i jsut upload it myself via imageshack.


iwhereas the same applies to capturing images from videos etc. print screen' date=' save to paint as PNG. and upload via YCMaker or imageshack.



thank you very much, i will try that :O

Dude it worked :D:D, although i had to save it as a GIF file instead of PNG..but still without you i would never had thought of it how stupid of me :O well thank you very much!

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Have you tried pasting it into a program such as paint and saving it.


oo oops im sorry if you didn't get that part lol, i did. i first selected the screen of the vid ufcurse (otherwise you would se my entire screen isntead of that of the video player) and saved that. than i selected that file with Image ulpoader from this site and than it says that stupid error.

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