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[Leaderboard] Therrion vs. Prime-Ace John [FINISHED]


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1. All rules of 1v1 apply.
2. All spamming, trolling, flaming, etc. will be reported on sight
3. Cards due 2 days after a contestant is chosen. Cards Due: 6/23/13
4. First to 3 votes win. Voting Ends: 5 days after card is due: 6/28/13
5. Winner will receive 1 LIKE from the loser
6. This contest will be using the 'Card A' & 'Card B' system

7. Writtens allowed


~Voter Bonus~



Requirements: Challenger choice---Gemini Support!


Card A:



This card is always treated as a Gemini Monster. This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:
● When this card gains this effect; Special Summon 1 Level 4 Gemini Monster from your Deck. It cannot attack this turn.


Card B:

While face-up on the field or in your hand: This card is treated as Gemini Monster. You can banish this card from your hand or Graveyard: Normal Summon 1 face-up Gemini Monster you control. You can only use the effect of "Bright Ibis" once per turn. This card can only be used as Synchro Material if the other Synchro Material(s) is/are Gemini monster(s).
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Card A is a solid card which combines elements of both a Tuner and a Gemini while keeping them both intact and evident. Also, it's a good Summoner Monk target, giving access to cards such as Dark End Dragon to the deck. As for its Gemini Summon effect, it pulls from the deck at no cost, which may seem a bit excessive at first, but Geminis currently cannot survive as a decktype in the game, so it's a well-needed effect that gives them a nice boost.


Card B is also interesting, and also allows for Summoner Monk shenanigans (though unfortunately, it wouldn't be able to sync with it). However I have a problem with Card B regarding the card aesthetic - I dislike the fact that it's a Gemini itself without having anything resembling the Gemini clause. It just seems like the card just had the gemini-treating effect slapped on it to make it better supported. Nevertheless, the main effect is a nice concept, but it's overdone and outclassed by existing cards (such as Supervise), and unfortunately, the way it's worded it would not be effective. Regardless of whether by effect or not, you are limited to 1 Normal Summon per turn unless otherwise modified through the use of another card (Double Summon, Evilswarm Castor, etc.) I'd say the correct way to write such an effect would be: "You can banish this card from your hand or Graveyard; target 1 Gemini monster you control. That target is treated as an effect monster and gains its effects."


So with that said, I'm voting for Card A.

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Card A is basically a 1-card recruiter + Supervise, since you can Normal Summon the Special Summoned monster immediately to gain its effects. It's also balanced by the fact that it would need to survive to use its ability, and it's quite weak. nevertheless, geminis can really find a nice use for it, and it gives them a much-needed boost.


Card B, on the other hand, is outclassed by Supervise, and while it can activate from the Graveyard as well, as pointed out above, the way its worded simply does not allow for it to be effective. It was a decent concept, but the execution came out a bit lacking.


Card A has my vote.

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For similar reasons above, I vote for Card A. It allows for an easy Synchro Summon for Geminis, pulling right from the deck, as well as a possibly Xyz Summon too. It adds some much needed speed to the Geminis, making them much more plausible as a deck choice. Card B, as Zextra said, seems kinda choppy, as if you through an  effect on a card because you had to, and not because you thought it through. It is an interesting idea, but not executed very well. And the wording, once again as Zextra pointed out, makes it a big hindrance in the game, which definitely further pushes my vote to Card A.

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