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Now for the news.


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Here's your Anchorwoman, and the Goddess of SEGA, Purple Heart.








Number 21 was revealed to not be getting a IRL printing. Yet.


Desu moved to Sweden.


The Hina Army is on the move.


The next Minecraft Let's Play will probably be King Gavin or Ice Cube.


British Soul has mastered the electric guitar.


Johny ( Ed Edd n Eddy ) has been murdered, and Plank has just booked a ticket to Cuba.


Azuh is taking the Bar Exam.


Mama Luigi is looking for the princess.


Rod got his own radio show.


I am 50% complete with my plan to create an unstopable Flareon.


Sleepy has awakened a Persona.


Mirror B has brought disco back.


The Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness Protaganist and Loverina ( The girl with pink Miku Hatsune hair who works for CIPHER ) are getting married.


No One Piece this week because of Golden Week.


Night is teaming up with Barry from The Game Grumps to take over Canada.


There is a potato chip on the floor.


Bob's Burgers Season 12.


They have announced a Space Jam sequal ( No seriously, they have. )


Ratata have gone extinct.


Dharc is staring in a harem anime as Dharc the Dharc Charmer.




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In other news, Aix is really an Omanyte.


I'm really Shyneet Magician.


Frunk is the Queen of England.


Syo is a Ghostbuster.


newhat discovered Atlantis.


Koishi dropped a penny from a skyscraper, which started a nuclear war between potatos and green beans.


Moog is married to Samus Aran.


Jake the Sage is Kyubey.


Agro has proved Pluto IS a planet.


Machismo made waffles.


Shiro met Bob Barker, on the Price is Right.


Sakura stumbled into some caves.

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