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Speed The Collapse [Banish Psychics lol]


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Still clueless on how you peeps get videos into these things but anyways theme music!


[spoiler=Deck List]


3x Esper Girl (delayed draw deal, helps stall with soul absorption)

2x Hushed Psychic Cleric (needed to get out overmind, can also help to get esper/ seeker or witch)

3x Mental Seeker (Needed for overmind, good to mess with opponent)

3x Psychic Commander (another tuner, and I don't feel guilty about using it as borg fodder)

3x Reinforced Human Psychic Borg (good beater, gets more powerful over time, also needed for synchro fuel)

3x Serene Psychic Witch (fuels the decks main summoning engine, e-tele target)

3x Silent Psychic Wizard (nice ATK, can summon used psychic synchros)


2x Dark Hole (cleans field, triggers wizard, cleric, witch, and overmind effs)

3x Emergency Teleport (puts a monster on field, makes synchros easier, stalls if all else fails)

Foolish Burial (sets up for wizard, thins deck a little, makes good cleric fodder if nothing else)

3x MST (take a guess)

2x Soul Absorption (you would not believe easy it is to gain almost 8000 life in the span of 5 turns)



3x Brain Hazard (Recycles HTS, also gets monsters banished by borg/ lifetrancer back)


2x Dimensional Prison (staple for me, also fuels absorption)

2x Mirror Force (Personal staple)


Torrential (like Dark Hole, but better because I can use it on opponent's turn)


2x Armades, Keeper of Boundaries (Very good LV 5 synchro)

2x Black Rose Dragon (nukes field, gets effs off)

HTS Psyhemuth (D.D. Warrior Lady beefed up, easily recyclable thanks to Brain Hazard)

3x Overmind Archfiend (Hard to get out, great when it does and sticks around for a bit, Great beater)

3x Psychic Lifetrancer (I like gaining LP, sue me)

2x Thought Ruler Archfiend (Stops S/T targeting, Good ATK and LP gain)


I know I could probably go with an Xyz or two, but eh. So, any thoughts?

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Hmm, are you sure you need all those Overmind Archfiends in the Extra Deck? 3 seems a bit much, especially as they are hard to get out. Might want to replace 1 with a Hyper Psychic Blaster as it's a very nice beater+LP gain. Nothung the Starlight is a pretty good Level 6 Synchro that has effectively 3200 ATK and can burn for 800, and Goyo Guardian is fun to use if you steal an opponent's monster and then use it for a Synchro Summon.


Psychic Feel Zone is also a great card in Banish Psychic decks as it allows you to not only recycle your Psychics for say Borg or Wizard but also allows you to Synchro Summon really easily. It allows Overmind Archfiend to be made using only an HTS Psyhemuth+Mental Seeker. Possibly replace a MST or 2 for Psychic Feel Zones.


As for Xyz, Leviair the Sea Dragon could be useful as it can recover banished monsters. You could also try Number 49: Fortune Tune as it can act as decent stall and also recycle your Level 3s to summon again with Emergency Teleport or Witch, though I'm not sure how useful it would be.


Hope I could help!

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