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[ PNG and PSD ] Free Booster Pack Templates

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Here's a booster pack template I've put together. It's in both PNG and PSD so that non-photoshop users can abuse the transparent background. I know a PNG is all that is needed, but if you need pre-set text, thats what the psd is for.


( sorry, for certain reasons, the png will not be available at the moment. )


Find the similarities! And maybe you'll see.



Which one's fake? ( the one that says fake on it obv )[/align]


Psds are here. Note that mirror 2 can only be downloaded 10 times, so please only use that for backup purposes. i.e when MegaUpload is down.

mirror 1 | mirror 2


No credit needed, free to use.

Just don't redistribute and avoid getting yourself in trouble. :D

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