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Yellow-Eyes Ghost Dragon is now Evryl, the Dragonic Soul


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Another of my Dragon cards for Dragon-type lovers.



[spoiler=Effect:]This card cannot be Special Summoned except by its own effect.

Every time this card is sent to your Graveyard Special Summon it to your side of the field during your opponents Battle Phase, you can only activate this effect by removing one Dragon-type monster in your Graveyard from play. If this card attacks your opponents life points directly half its ATK.

Each of your Stanby Phase you can roll a sixed sided dice and activate an effect according to the result:

1-This card is not destroyed by battle this turn.

2-This card can attack twice this turn.

3-Send four Dragon-type monsters from your deck to the Graveyard.

4-Special Summon a Dragon-type monster from your hand, Graveyard, deck or Extra-Deck to your side of the field ignoring its Summoning conditions. That card is destroyed at the End Phase of this turn.

5-This card control changes to your opponent until the End Phase of his turn.

6-Toss a coin and call it, if you call it wrong destroy this card and have its effect negated, if you call it right you get to roll the dice again.



Thanks for the advices, I think its better now, and I hope it too. :D

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Let's see that again.


This is quite odd, a Special Summon during opponent Battle Phase... and unfair as well. You should limit that re-spawn to only once per duel.

Also, this card has six different effects, which is another step to overpower. You must roll a dice during Standby, okay. So let's review each of these effects...


1 is simply overpowered. No matter you have 1/6 chances, it's overpowered.

2 is okay.

3 is a malus effect, I suppose, but it fails to balance.

4... NO. "Extra Deck" and "Ignore summoning conditions" are straight no.

5 is another fairly unfair effect, but it still fails balancing.

6... you gotta toss AGAIN something. Either a destructive effect that (finally) balances, or a simple ticket to dice-roll again. Which means more chances to get one of the other overpowered effects.


4/10. Start by something simple, not something too elaborate or too tricky that ends up with extreme effects... like the cards I saw previously.

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Card is OP but there is no reason to limit the revival. Just give it a tougher summoning condition. (ex. Tribute 3 Dragons to Special summon from hand or Special Summon in Defense Position when revived)

also the dice roll is severely broken

you should have maybe 1 or 2 powerful results, about two decent results, one risky result and one result the f*cks you over

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A few possible changes to this card's effect:


1: This card is sent to the Graveyard and an amount equivalent to this card's original ATK is deducted from your Life Points.


2: This card cannot attack this turn.


3: Draw five cards from your deck. Special Summon any Dragon or Zombie-type monsters that are drawn.


4: Send any Dragon-Type monsters on your opponent's side of the field to the Graveyard.


5: Pay 500 Life Points. Increase the ATK of this card by 1000.


6: Special summon up to three Dragon-Type monsters from your Graveyard in face-up attack position.



That should make this card less overpowered...what do you think?

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I agree, by watching carefully it is a bit OP. I'll change it soon. Now a personal question, what do you think about "red-eyes black metal dragon"? If it wAs created here and exposed would you consider it OP?


P.S: I dont know if the cards name is written correctly, but I think if you know it you will know what im talking about

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You must refrain from all these Red Eyes, Black Eyes, stuff like that, it is just way too overused, card after card, has some made up stuff like that that doesn't roll of the tongue easily.


"Green-Eyes Chaos Dragon" <---- Sounds like Jumbled words

"White-Eyes Metal Rock Dragon" <---- just >.>

"Brown-Eyes Crystal Dragon" <--- Makes no sense


I'm not too concerned, I mean after all, it's your feeling about it.


Set name is wrong it needs to be XXX-???

x = letters, ? = numbers



OCG Fix:


This card cannot be Special Summoned except by its own effect.

Each time this card is sent to your Graveyard, Special Summon it to your side of the field during your opponent's Battle Phase, you can only activate this effect by removing 1 Dragon-type monster in your Graveyard from play.

Each Standby Phase, you can roll a 6-sided die and activate an effect according to the result:

1-This card is not destroyed by battle this turn. <------ This seems funny.

2-This card can attack twice this turn.

3-Send 2 Dragon-type monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard.

4-Special Summon a Dragon-type monster from your hand, Graveyard, Deck or Extra-Deck to your side of the field. This card is destroyed at the End Phase of this turn.

5-This card controls changes to your opponent until the End Phase of his turn.

6-Toss a coin and call it, if you call it wrong, destroy this card and it's effect is negated, if you call it right you get to roll the die again.



Look closely and you'll see bolded commas/apostrophes.

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well if you special summon any cards with effect three all effects should be negated aslo drop the attack man and effect one will be alright. get rid of effect six. it's pointless. it should be just destroy the card becaus you have effect one as making it unable to be destroyed in battle.

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Change the OGC to what that other guy said.


Plz change some effects so its not super OP... heres some suggestions:

1-3000 ATK is hard to kill in battle anyway. Kinda pointless.

2-Ok. Maybe though, it can't attack twice if its directly... thats 6000 dmg.

3-Easy Malicious or DaD summoning, but not too OP here.

4-Holy crap no :P Special summon DaD, kill any number of cards, hit with 3000 atk + 2800 atk. Grab a Collosal, two 3000 attackers.

5-Good for a side effect.

6-Don't have the coin toss. Just destroy it. This will be the worst side effect.


But really... even without the 6 effects, its like Treeborn Frog, but with 3000 ATK >_< maybe take the ATK down to like 2000.


Also, about Darkness Metal... if someone put it up, then I would say it is veeery OP.

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Did you read my question?? Or your just being stupid to post something?


What do mean?! I read your question and of course Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon isn't/wouldn't be overpowered...because it exists!


And if you're going to insult me, you're going to get a -1 rep from me!

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Someone already answered my question CORRECTLY.

I asked IF Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon was created on this forum would it be considered Overpowered. You answered "Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon already exists! It was used by Joey Wheeler in Duelist Kingdom..."

Fishncrabs answered: " about Darkness Metal... if someone put it up, then I would say it is veeery OP." this was a answer I was waiting for. Understand now Max Darkness??

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I do understand Diabloco. However, you originally wrote:

"What do you think about "red-eyes black metal dragon"?" NOT "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" which was obviously what you meant!

As a result, I believed you were asking about the Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon, instead of the Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, which are very different creatures.

That is what led me to answer that the Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon is not overpowered, and that it exists!

I misunderstood your question because you asked the wrong one!

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