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[CLOSED] Pravus Academy Year 1 is Over!

Felix Culpa

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Jared sat on the roof staring at the stars. "Hmph, Ezekiel, it's your move and your backed into a corner. One move and it is a checkmate. It's only a matter of time."


Ezekiel threw Damion a bow. "The arrows are made of life force. You only have to pull back on the string and aim."

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"Oh, hello," Jared said, looking down, sullen. "I kind of want to be alone. Is that okay?"


Just then Marco landed on the roof. "Well, well, Jared. You came. Now, all I want you to do is come with me."


"Fine, Marco, as long as it means my friends are spared."


"Why eliminate minor pieces when you can go for the king immediately?" Marco laughed.

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"I'm sorry, but Fate has chosen for me this path, and so I must follow," Jared said.


Then a cloud of smoke wrapped around all of them, leaving all of them in wonder of what was going on.


"Well, my dear boy, you are wrong," a crackling voice said from the smoke. "You are two die in mind and body, but yet, not soul and that is what matters."


Jared snapped his head up. I've heard this voice before.


"Indeed you have, Jared," the same voice said.


"You are the Fates, I presume," Jared's voice said.


"You are to die, no questions. Especially not from the one destined to be the first of a species," the Fate said, eyeing Britney.

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Alugard was running around frantically to find Jared in time to stop the event and the book. "Jared! Where are you!?" Unfortunately he wasn't where Jared was at all. When Alugard looked to the sky he saw what was supposed to kill Brittney. "I see, it was right in front of us..JARED!" Alugard kept searching for him...

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