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[CLOSED] Pravus Academy Year 1 is Over!

Felix Culpa

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(Britney stould up from the fountain and she wiped her cheek with her sleeve wich was wet with tears)

"I miss Jared"

(Britney walked to Jareds dorm and stood next to the door and she sighed)

"Its no use for me to stay in this school Jared is dead cuse of me so i might as well be gone this place has to my memories anyway"

(Britney walked to the room and she started packing her things)

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As Jared, created a physical boundary, Leon turned to Ethan "I don't care what happens to me. As long as everything is back to the way it was before I came here, then I may fell peace." he re-enters his body. He flash-steps to Britney's window and hears what she said. "You took the words right out of my mouth. But if I were you, I go look at 'Door #1'" he points at her Dorm door.

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"Honestly, I'm still dead, and you're not. I created a physical boundary around my soul. For all purposes, lets just say I didn't die," Jared said. And so, now the only boundary standing between Jared and co. and a peaceful school year was the impending threat of war.


Ezekiel sat watching the progression of events, "As I sit on my deathbed, he is sealing his way into a coven of death. Pathetic. You of all people could've altered your fate. You've done it before Jared."


Damion sat in Ezekiel's office, taking over the position temporarily, as far as he knew. "We have one day to launch the initial line. Send Hana and Isaac as planned."

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Jared dropped his head. "Just because I'm here doesn't mean its over. The Diabolus are still out there, probably putting bounties on our heads. We won't stand a chance if it means fighting the entire Diabolus."


Isaac walked up to the school, careless of the students inside. He dragged his fingers along the wall, occasionally making an unreadable sign on the wall. "Hmph, these idiots won't know what hit them."


Hana was watching the events from a tree. "Isaac is meant for long-distance combat. He knew they would be inside. What better time to take out the most troublesome three."


When Isaac had walked around the entire dorm, he moved his hands to where his fingers would touch its opposite. (Thumb-pinky... etc.) "Boutou."


Like a hundred bombs were placed on the walls, the building exploded.


Jared turned. "Leon, do you hear that? It sounds like a fuse burning."


Leon shrugged.


Jared walked out of the room and saw Isaac walking around the dormitory building. "Who's tha - Wait, that marking on his hand. He is a Diabolus."




Jared jumped back as the fuse cut short and the bombs he symboled for exploded. "What the hell is going on!?"


Jared ran back into the room and broke down the wall on the opposite side and grabbed Britney. "Leon, its a bomb. C'mon."


But it was too late. The whole room was engulfed in flames. "Leon, find a way out!"


Jared stomped on the now-weakened floor. He ran through the inferno, trying to find an outside wall. Fire is a destroyer. The enemy of Alder Kings. No matter what happens, Jared remembered his dad saying, do not get trapped in fire.


"How come I can't ever remember anything when I need it?" Jared said.

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"No, I felt it before the fire too. This is a whole different league," Jared said.


Jared ran into the wall, breaking through it and grabbing anyone he could see. "Okay, Britney. When I say 'go', just take all the students I bring out to the fountain."


Jared kicked down the door on the room opposite Britney's grabbing two students. "Go"

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After 30 minutes, Jared pulled all of the people out, but Hana and Isaac were nowhere to be found.


Jared sat down on the field, patting out the flames on his clothes. Isaac came over flipping a coin. "My advice, Alder King, just because you are dead, doesn't mean you can't be killed. Remember that."

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((you guys kinda ignored me is there any specific reason?))


once again Asuka's pocket glowed red and he ran off..... again and once he arrived his uncle told him "Alright Asuka this is the last day" Asuka replied "yes! i will finally surpass him!"

"calm down now try using this instead it will be easier" Asuka's uncle said holding out a sword but it was detached like a whip it was extremely long "wow thanks" Asuka said as he charged it with lightning and it looked similar to his old one


"now try doing the move on this dummy" "alright!" Asuka said as he wrapped his sword around the dummy and shot lightning into its mouth as it was being suffocated and then it exploded "yes i got it down!!!" Asuka cheered as he hugged his uncle and ran back to the academy

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Jared looked up at Isaac scowling. "You expected me to do something, didn't you?"


Isaac smiled, "Greetings from Damion."


Jared was jarred. "Damion's dead. I killed him."


"No you didn't, fool," Isaac said.


Damion turned, "It was Ezekiel's order. Ask him."

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"So did I," Jared said, "This isn't good."


A stream of blood escaped from Ezekiel's mouth. "Eh, looks like someone's going..."


Ezekiel sat up, coughing up more blood. "Heh, as it would seem Jared, I am not the king in this game."


A single stream of blood came from the corner of his eye.

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