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How to make a decent Dark Synchro [for newbies] (Requires GIMP)

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This tutorial is meant for newbies that are new to making Dark Synchroes/don't have Photoshop. This is a very easy way to make Dark Synchroes without buying expensive Photoshop CS3, etc.


Veteran makers, please don't criticize but correct me if the steps is wrong. (NOTE: This tutorial has some steps that are similar to computerwhiz98's one, but my tutorial is a bit simpler).


If you don't have GIMP, go get it now at http://gimp.com. Choose GIMP for free (top option)



Now that you have GIMP installed, let's get started:





Part 1

Part 1


1. Make your card with the Attribute, ATK, DEF, effect text you desire. Choose any Level you want, we'll cover it up later.


2. In the Type Box, type in your desired type. Then, hit space bar once and put " / ". Then hit space bar once again and type Dark Synchro


3. Just in case you don't know a lot about Dark Synchro effects, here's what you MUST include first.


1 non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner monster


In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.



4. Save your card as normal in the YCM database and into your computer's hard drive/whatever you're saving it to.





5. Right-click your mouse and select the option, "open with GIMP". GIMP should open up with your card


6. Now open this template, you'll need it.





7. Now choose the Rectangle button on your Toolbox and select the area where the effect box is. (Do not select the borders)


8. Open Colors/Colorize. Set Saturation to 0. LEAVE EVERYTHING ELSE AS THEY ARE


9. Repeat steps 7-8 and make EVERYTHING but the picture desaturated


10. For the name/attribute box, just desaturate the whole thing. We'll work on the Attributes later. This means desaturate the name, Attribute and Level Stars. We'll cover it up in the next couple steps.


11. Now open that template I asked you to save in another window. Just go File/Open and get it.


12. You see the space on that template where the stars are supposed to be. Use the Rectangle Select tool and right click your mouse. Go to Edit and select "Copy"


13. Go back to the window with your soon-to-be Dark Synchro. Go to Edit and select "Paste". You should get the part you selected from the blank temp


14. Move that part and cover up the Level Stars. The card should then look like it has no Level.


15. Save your card as a .jpg file.


16. Reopen your card in a new window. Delete the previous window once you get the new one.


17. Click this link to get the Dark Synchro stars:

My Dark Synchro stars (Thank you, Sloth, for aligning the stars)


18. In that album, look for the pic that has the same number of Level Stars you desire. They are already numbered for your convenience. Save the stars.


19. Open the Level Stars as a LAYER by selecting File and then Open as Layers. Find the Dark Synchro Stars you saved from last step and open.


20. Select the Move Tool (looks like 4 arrow points) and select your stars


21. Position them where the original Level Stars were. Go to Layers and select Resize Layer. Change the height to 24 pixels. Position the stars at the edge near the top left of the picture.


22. Now for the Attribute! Look at what Attribute your Dark Synchro monster was when you made it in the card maker. Go to Yugioh Wikia and get the Attribute you need from there. Save that Attribute


23. In GIMP, select File/Open as Layers. Find the Attribute you saved and place it over the old one.


24. (new step) fddfnk.png You'll need to put this over your text box because a gold one is needed, not the plain brown one you got. (You need to place this using GIMP)


25. You are done!


If all is done right, you should have something that looks like this:




---If you need any help, just say which step your stuck on and I'll be able to help you :)---


Post your results here so you can show off and what not :)



+ Reps appreciated

Just so you know, the name will appear gray.


If you set your card as a Common, Rare/Secret Rare or Super Rare, you shouldn't have to worry. If you selected Ultra/Ultimate Rare, sorry I can't help you here.

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