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"My hand, i left it on the radiator too long", he looked around and placed his right hand on top of it, the colour of his right eye changed to blue, water dripped from his hand onto the floor, his hand stopped burning but was still scarred.

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"Awesome. Now, I really can't just tell you about my power, so I'll have to show you. . ." said Jace.


He started to concentrate. He body started ejecting the rocks out of his skin, and wrapped around he skin. The hard material of his body became even more solid, and he then felt his face being covered with rocks. Two eye hole sformed, and two nostril- like holes come into his face. Then, the rocks on his hands became bigger, and bigger, and two volcano- shaped objects ejected out of his shoulders with his legs were being covered. Then, two holes formed in his hands.


"Thats right. I can become a giant rock monster," Jace said in his rock cast. "The only one problem, is that my voice is made deeper, and I have two walk like a gorilla because of the weight in my hands." "Nice powers, Grim, Kira."

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"You can't control your powers? I also shoot spikes and rock bombs. I sometimes fire at random times, which is why my power is only mostly used for protection. If I go on the offensive, my power goes craaazy. Anyways, it gets hot and stuffy here. In the desert, my cast is a perfect camoflauge. not really anywhere else. How bout you. Whats good about your powers other than putting out fires?"


Jace started to get out of his cast forme, and then he felt something weird. It felt like something was coming right at him at a couple of miles per hour. He went back into a shell and let the object hit him. He look back to see what it was. And, it was the reains of a thrown bike. "Well, that's. . . odd," he said.


"Oh, and, Grim. Of course you would. I use my power for protection purposes only. as I said when I go on the offensive, I can't control it. That's why I keep using the target practice.

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