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Morchori Chronicles, WE STILL NEED PEOPLE


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This is a custom Naruto rp without Naruto and the other charas, it takes place in the Village hidden in the Plains. The Genin Exams are coming up, and all the students *Us* cannot wait for it to happen. Every Justu u want to make up send it to me, also if you cannot think of a justu ill give u one of my 100000+. kekkei Genkai will be decided after i get your family name.



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Family Name




What you would like for a Kekkei Genkai if you got one

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I'll join.

First Name: Altaïr


Family Name: Mairuzu


Gender: Male


Appearance: White silk clothing, with white hooded cloak, and red silk sash around his waist (like a belt). He wears leather bracers on his arms and leather greaves on his legs as well as leather shoes.


Bio: Most of his history is shrouded in mystery. All that is known is since he arrived at the village. He lives alone most of the time, as his family is mostly away. He is used to surviving using his own powers and abilities. Due to this need to fend for himself, Altaïr has always been a loner, believeing in no need for a team or friends. However, despite this loner status, he shows massive respect to everyone he meets, no matter what the think of him.

In battle he prefers to wait in the shadows (out of sight) for his best oppotunity to strike when the enemy least expects it.

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First Name: Vain

Family Name: Ziler

Gender: Male

Desc: Has shoulder length electric blue hair, bright purple eyes, mostly wears a black t-shirt with baggy black pants.

Bio: Vain tends to be aggressive towards other guys, but mostly refuses to butt heads with women. A little over-confident in his skills, he tends to get over his head sometimes.

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First Name: Kaze

Last Name: Izuna

Gender: Male



Bio: Kaze knows few actual techniques. The Izuna Clan has always relied on “Summoning Techniques” (Kuchiyose no Jutsu) for fighting. However, because sumonning requires so much Chakra, it isn’t impossible for Kaze to summon more than once in the same day. Normal Genin lack the Chakra for summoning, but Kaze can with the assistance of his Bloodline Limit.

Kekkei Genkai: (Still thinking of a name, any suggestions?) The wind enters the clan member’s body and is converted into Chakra. The flow of Chakra is determined by the strength of the wind, which makes the technique deadliest during a storm, creating an almost endless supply of energy. Members of the Izuna clan can also choose to “channel” the wind into them by concentrating to speed up the process. However, very few techniques can use this “Wind-Chakra”.



Just to point out, the bloodline isn't a "constant healing" technique. Kaze would have to spend an entire day outside to fully heal himself. This is cut down to a few hours if he is channeling, but this is impossible while battling, moving, etc.

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ill consider that kaze, never thought of using it, also only 1 person so far *still need to see for kaze* got a genkai, i didn't even get one




Kaze got a genkai so did steve



my Chara


First Name: Matto

Family Name: Yoshiro

Gender: Male

Desc: 7ab387.png

Bio: A slacker in his own nature, probaoly the smartest in his class if he decides to try. Uses Sword like jutsu along with some others

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and the female ninja is here xD


First Name: Sakiyo

Family Name: Saito

Gender: Female


Bio: Sakiyo is a fun-loving person, and is sort of a tom-boy.She loves nature and can be often be found outside while not at school or sleeping a home. She's not a fan of technology and doesn't really use it.She and her older sister are being raised by their aunt and uncle because their parents died in a fire when Sakiyo was just a few months old, but it doesn't affect that much. She doesn't believe in gossip and is carefree, but she does have other feelings and is a good fighter.

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One thing before we start is that i have to send the Genkais to the people who got them, please hold on for 5 minutes maybe 10 tops, when u can post is when this is edited



WE START..................................... NOW


The School bell as the everyone took their seats and their Sensai started to speak,


"Good morning everyone today is the Genin Exam, we will start in a little bit. This years Exam is on the Transformation Jutsu" Said the teacher as he called the students into another room one by one,


"Yoshiro, Matto" he said as Matto entered the room, "Now display your jutsu, your task is to transform into me" the sensai said. "Whatever" Matto said yawning as he did a perfect transformation. "Good Job, heres your headband" said the Sensai as Matto walked out with his headband worn on his arm, "Also send in the next student" his Sensai added.


Matto told the next student to go in as he took a seat and waited for the others that pasted


OOC: just write your test then when every is done with their first post we will continue, that or when almost everyone is done

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Altaïr Mistuhide stood up after being called in to do his exam. He stood in front of the Hokage, his Sensei and one other Jonin.


"Ok, Altaïr... Now perform the Transformation Jutsu. Transform into our Lord Judokage" said his Sensei. Altaïr closed his eyes and lifted his hand in the hand sign and smoke appeared. In the smoke was a perfect replica of the Judokage, then after a few seconds, he transformed back. "Excellent work. You have passed the exam. Here is your headband." said his Sensei.


Altaïr took his headband. "Also Altaïr, send in the next candidate" shouted the Judokage as Altaïr strolled out the door. Altaïr told the next candidate to go in to the exam room...

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Hishiro came into the Genin testing dressed in his normal ,warm, clothing. The sensai stared at Hishiro. "A-anyways, this test is designed to see how well your transformation jutsu is. Icalla, Hishiro! You're up." Hishiro appeared before the sensai in a blink of an eye. "OK, your task is to transform into me." Hishiro looked at the sensai, "Very well, this is far too easy for an Icalla." Hishiro did a flawless transformation jutsu, "See, what did I tell you?" his sensai handed his headband, "Very good Hishiro, here's your headband." Hishiro took off his patch and put the headband over his right eye and went back to his seat, while the other students tried to do a transformation jutsu.

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Kaze walked into the exam. He was pretty nervous. Kaze was pretty bad at Transformations, everyone in his family was. But he had played close attention to the students before him, watching them, and was confident he could replicate the results.


Kaze performed the necesary hand seals and transformed. He did it! But was only able to keep the transformation for a second. Even though he wasn't able to keep the form for a long time, he did it none the less and received his headband.


Kaze left the room an official Genin and sent in the next student. Kaze wore his new headband so the plate was against the back of his right hand.

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