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[SRSDISC] Magic Drain

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Although this card may be seen as a win/win either way you look at it, you can't really rely on it to stop the spells that are really going to turn the game around. Useful late game when your opponent has a smaller hand, or just fun to randomly fire off early game to annoy them. Especially fun chained to a draw card such as Trade-In, since they'll lose the cost.

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The 2nd best counter trap.




Bribe' date=' Solemn, this is #3 at best


Bribe gets a fat rich man to stop this effect and say "LOL NO!"


On Topic:Would be better if you could discard a spell to negate your opponets negating it.


Sounds like a better but worse magic jammer then


Anyway Id only play in Counter Fairies personally.

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I personally prefer it to Bribe, negating traps is pretty 'meh', considering that not many scary ones are run now that CCV is banned, you often only care for Mirror Force and TT, and those can be taken out with crazy one for one, or better, s/t removal. The second part hurts it, but it's still a +0 instead of Bribe's -1. Personal preference, I guess.

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They have completely different purposes when used right. Bribe is something you save for times you really need it. Drain is something you use to pester your opponent by negating things he was using for setup, or to defend yourself when you don't have much to lose. That's why I like it in decks like offensive gadgets that don't set a whole lot and keep hand advantage.

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I prefer to main Magic Drain, and if I'm going to use Bribe, to side it against Oppression/Drain builds, or anything else which uses a large amount of traps. Since Skill Drain/Torrential/Mirror Force/Call of the Haunted aren't chainable, and I run a lot of s/t removal, Solemn is limited, the lack of -1 makes Magic Drain more effective 90% of the time.

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