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Wrong Subtitles


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Up to this day, the world still suffers from the Tower of Babel's confusion of tongues/languages. If you would watch a pirated DVD of 'War of the Worlds' (2005) from Asia, you will see that there are still people who are having a hard time understanding English.


Ray: Its OK...

(Subtitle: Do not fine, you is just fine.)


Rachel: Is Robby OK? Are you OK?

(Subtitle: Robby do not fine, you do not fine?)


Rachel: Is it over?

(Subtitle: What that finish?)


Ray: You better be there when I get back!

(Subtitle: Better is you over there moment I return.)


Ray: Everybody just relax, OK?

(Subtitle: Altogether only is dark.)


Ogilvy: They have been planning this for a million years.

(Subtitle: Have planned since millions of last year.)


Ogilvy: This is not a war any more than there's a war between men and maggots...

(Subtitle: This non war again between Manon and of Maget.)


Ogilvy: This is an extermination.

(Subtitle: This is abattoir.)


Ogilvy: Take them by surprise.

(Subtitle: Give surprise them.)


Ray: You don't have anything to say to her, understand?

(Subtitle: You is there is something that wish to be told? Understand.)


Ray: You gotta be quiet!

(Subtitle: You have to peace.)


Soldier: Everybody down!

(Subtitle: Altogether bow!!!)











Again, translated from a foreign book. Sharing is Caring (^_^)

(Stainless Longganisa)

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