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Return from the Different Dimension

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Pay half your Life Points. Win the Game.


This card is rediculous. Now that solemn is at 1 almost nothing can stop this. Chain it to your Heavy Storm and your opponent won't even be able to activate Bottomless Trap Hole or Torrential Tribute. We also have access to 2 Gold Sarcophagus to search for it.



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Unquestionably broken.


However, it's not nearly so simple as paying half your life points to win the game. First, you need to build up a considerable removed-from-play presence and also to have a method ready to destroy any monsters your opponent has on the field. Drawing this card does NOT mean you win the game. Drawing this card WHEN those conditions are easily met, however, does.

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everyone mains bth


you will be hard pressed to find a deck that dosnt run


mirror force

torrential tribute

call of the haunted



Mirror Force is sometimes ignored, because it's not chainable. CotH is left out of decks like LS, because it's too slow or Oppression builds (for obvious reasons).


OT: The card is so broken it's not even funny D:

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I like Return From The Different Dimension. So much abuse when hardcasting Norleras. <3


Meh card' date=' only usable in certain decks, usually ties into OTK's. Meh.


everyone mains bth


you will be hard pressed to find a deck that dosnt run


mirror force

torrential tribute

call of the haunted



I don't run TT...


Am I a bad person ;-;


Only if Im a bad person for not running Mirror Force. (b ;3; )b



Does this mean I'm a horrible person for only running Mirror Force outta those?

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Meh card' date=' only usable in certain decks, usually ties into OTK's. Meh.


everyone mains bth


you will be hard pressed to find a deck that dosnt run


mirror force

torrential tribute

call of the haunted



I don't run TT...


Am I a bad person ;-;


Only if Im a bad person for not running Mirror Force. (b ;3; )b


Running 2 BTH' date=' CoTH, and Torrential is better than running 2 BTH, CoTH, and Mirror, but if you've got 2 BTH, CoTH, and one of MF/TT, there's no real reason to not run the other unless you don't have it.


I like Return From The Different Dimension. So much abuse when hardcasting Norleras. <3


Meh card' date=' only usable in certain decks, usually ties into OTK's. Meh.


everyone mains bth


you will be hard pressed to find a deck that dosnt run


mirror force

torrential tribute

call of the haunted



I don't run TT...


Am I a bad person ;-;


Only if Im a bad person for not running Mirror Force. (b ;3; )b



Does this mean I'm a horrible person for only running Mirror Force outta those?


Yeah, that's pretty bad unless I'm missing something.

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